name_far_east property

Font.name_far_east property

Returns or sets an East Asian font name.

def name_far_east(self) -> str:

def name_far_east(self, value: str):


Shows how to insert and format text in a Far East language.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

# Specify font settings that the document builder will apply to any text that it inserts. = "Courier New"
builder.font.locale_id = 1033 # en-US

# Name "FarEast" equivalents for our font and locale.
# If the builder inserts Asian characters with this Font configuration, then each run that contains
# these characters will display them using the "FarEast" font/locale instead of the default.
# This could be useful when a western font does not have ideal representations for Asian characters.
builder.font.name_far_east = "SimSun"
builder.font.locale_id_far_east = 2052 # zh-CN

# This text will be displayed in the default font/locale.
builder.writeln("Hello world!")

# Since these are Asian characters, this run will apply our "FarEast" font/locale equivalents.
builder.writeln("你好世界") + "Font.far_east.docx")

See Also