shading property

Font.shading property

Returns a Shading object that refers to the shading formatting for the font.

def shading(self) -> aspose.words.Shading:


Shows how to apply shading to text created by a document builder.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

builder.font.color = drawing.Color.white

# One way to make the text created using our white font color visible
# is to apply a background shading effect.
shading = builder.font.shading
shading.texture = aw.TextureIndex.TEXTURE_DIAGONAL_UP
shading.background_pattern_color = drawing.Color.orange_red
shading.foreground_pattern_color = drawing.Color.dark_blue

builder.writeln("White text on an orange background with a two-tone texture.") + "Font.shading.docx")

See Also