HeightRule enumeration

HeightRule enumeration

Specifies the rule for determining the height of an object.


AT_LEASTThe height will be at least the specified height in points. It will grow, if needed, to accommodate all text inside an object.
EXACTLYThe height is specified exactly in points. Please note that if the text cannot fit inside the object of this height, it will appear truncated.
AUTOThe height will grow automatically to accommodate all text inside an object.


Shows how to format rows with a document builder.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
table = builder.start_table()
builder.write('Row 1, cell 1.')
# Start a second row, and then configure its height. The builder will apply these settings to
# its current row, as well as any new rows it creates afterwards.
row_format = builder.row_format
row_format.height = 100
row_format.height_rule = aw.HeightRule.EXACTLY
builder.write('Row 2, cell 1.')
# The first row was unaffected by the padding reconfiguration and still holds the default values.
self.assertEqual(0, table.rows[0].row_format.height)
self.assertEqual(aw.HeightRule.AUTO, table.rows[0].row_format.height_rule)
self.assertEqual(100, table.rows[1].row_format.height)
self.assertEqual(aw.HeightRule.EXACTLY, table.rows[1].row_format.height_rule)
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'DocumentBuilder.SetRowFormatting.docx')

See Also