page_width property

PageSetup.page_width property

Returns or sets the width of the page in points.

def page_width(self) -> float:

def page_width(self, value: float):


Shows how to insert an image, and use it as a watermark.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

# Insert the image into the header so that it will be visible on every page.
image = drawing.Image.from_file(IMAGE_DIR + "Transparent background logo.png")
shape = builder.insert_image(image)
shape.wrap_type = aw.drawing.WrapType.NONE
shape.behind_text = True

# Place the image at the center of the page.
shape.relative_horizontal_position = aw.drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.PAGE
shape.relative_vertical_position = aw.drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.PAGE
shape.left = (builder.page_setup.page_width - shape.width) // 2 = (builder.page_setup.page_height - shape.height) // 2 + "DocumentBuilder.insert_watermark.docx")

Shows how to insert a floating image, and specify its position and size.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

shape = builder.insert_image(IMAGE_DIR + "Logo.jpg")
shape.wrap_type = aw.drawing.WrapType.NONE

# Configure the shape's "relative_horizontal_position" property to treat the value of the "left" property
# as the shape's horizontal distance, in points, from the left side of the page.
shape.relative_horizontal_position = aw.drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.PAGE

# Set the shape's horizontal distance from the left side of the page to 100.
shape.left = 100

# Use the "relative_vertical_position" property in a similar way to position the shape 80pt below the top of the page.
shape.relative_vertical_position = aw.drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.PAGE = 80

# Set the shape's height, which will automatically scale the width to preserve dimensions.
shape.height = 125

self.assertEqual(125.0, shape.width)

# The "bottom" and "right" properties contain the bottom and right edges of the image.
self.assertEqual( + shape.height, shape.bottom)
self.assertEqual(shape.left + shape.width, shape.right) + "Image.create_floating_position_size.docx")

See Also