text_orientation property

PageSetup.text_orientation property

Allows to specify PageSetup.text_orientation for the whole page. Default value is TextOrientation.HORIZONTAL

def text_orientation(self) -> aspose.words.TextOrientation:

def text_orientation(self, value: aspose.words.TextOrientation):


This property is only supported for MS Word native formats DOCX, WML, RTF and DOC.


Shows how to set text orientation.

doc = aw.Document()

builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.writeln("Hello world!")

# Set the "text_orientation" property to "TextOrientation.UPWARD" to rotate all the text 90 degrees
# to the right so that all left-to-right text now goes top-to-bottom.
page_setup = doc.sections[0].page_setup
page_setup.text_orientation = aw.TextOrientation.UPWARD

doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PageSetup.set_text_orientation.docx")

See Also