append_field method

append_field(field_type, update_field)

Appends a field to this paragraph.

def append_field(self, field_type: aspose.words.fields.FieldType, update_field: bool):
field_typeFieldTypeThe type of the field to append.
update_fieldboolSpecifies whether to update the field immediately.


A Field object that represents the appended field.


Appends a field to this paragraph.

def append_field(self, field_code: str):
field_codestrThe field code to append (without curly braces).


A Field object that represents the appended field.

append_field(field_code, field_value)

Appends a field to this paragraph.

def append_field(self, field_code: str, field_value: str):
field_codestrThe field code to append (without curly braces).
field_valuestrThe field value to append. Pass None for fields that do not have a value.


A Field object that represents the appended field.


Shows various ways of appending fields to a paragraph.

doc = aw.Document()
paragraph = doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph

# Below are three ways of appending a field to the end of a paragraph.
# 1 -  Append a DATE field using a field type, and then update it:
paragraph.append_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_DATE, True)

# 2 -  Append a TIME field using a field code:
paragraph.append_field(" TIME  \\@ \"HH:mm:ss\" ")

# 3 -  Append a QUOTE field using a field code, and get it to display a placeholder value:
paragraph.append_field(" QUOTE \"Real value\"", "Placeholder value")

self.assertEqual("Placeholder value", doc.range.fields[2].result)

# This field will display its placeholder value until we update it.

self.assertEqual("Real value", doc.range.fields[2].result) + "Paragraph.append_field.docx")

See Also