headers_footers property

Section.headers_footers property

Provides access to the headers and footers nodes of the section.

def headers_footers(self) -> aspose.words.HeaderFooterCollection:


Shows how to delete all footers from a document.

doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + "Header and footer types.docx")

# Iterate through each section and remove footers of every kind.
for section in doc:
    section = section.as_section()

    # There are three kinds of footer and header types.
    # 1 -  The "First" header/footer, which only appears on the first page of a section.
    footer = section.headers_footers[aw.HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_FIRST]
    if footer is not None:

    # 2 -  The "Primary" header/footer, which appears on odd pages.
    footer = section.headers_footers[aw.HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_PRIMARY]
    if footer is not None:

    # 3 -  The "Even" header/footer, which appears on even pages.
    footer = section.headers_footers[aw.HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_EVEN]
    if footer is not None:

    self.assertEqual(0, len([node for node in section.headers_footers if not node.as_header_footer().is_header]))

doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + "HeaderFooter.remove_footers.docx")

Shows how to replace text in a document’s footer.

doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + "Footer.docx")

headers_footers = doc.first_section.headers_footers
footer = headers_footers.get_by_header_footer_type(aw.HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_PRIMARY)

options = aw.replacing.FindReplaceOptions()
options.match_case = False
options.find_whole_words_only = False

current_year = date.today().year
footer.range.replace("(C) 2006 Aspose Pty Ltd.", f"Copyright (C) {current_year} by Aspose Pty Ltd.", options)

doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + "HeaderFooter.replace_text.docx")

See Also