SpecialChar class

SpecialChar class

Base class for special characters in the document. To learn more, visit the Aspose.Words Document Object Model (DOM) documentation article.


A Microsoft Word document can include a number of special characters that represent fields, form fields, shapes, OLE objects, footnotes etc. For the list of special characters see ControlChar.

SpecialChar is an inline-node and can only be a child of Paragraph.

SpecialChar char is used as a base class for more specific classes that represent special characters that Aspose.Words provides programmatic access for. The SpecialChar class is also used itself to represent special character for which Aspose.Words does not provide detailed programmatic access.

Inheritance: SpecialCharInlineNode


custom_node_idSpecifies custom node identifier.
(Inherited from Node)
documentGets the document to which this node belongs.
(Inherited from Node)
fontProvides access to the font formatting of this object.
(Inherited from Inline)
is_compositeReturns True if this node can contain other nodes.
(Inherited from Node)
is_delete_revisionReturns true if this object was deleted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
(Inherited from Inline)
is_format_revisionReturns true if formatting of the object was changed in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
(Inherited from Inline)
is_insert_revisionReturns true if this object was inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
(Inherited from Inline)
is_move_from_revisionReturns True if this object was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
(Inherited from Inline)
is_move_to_revisionReturns True if this object was moved (inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
(Inherited from Inline)
next_siblingGets the node immediately following this node.
(Inherited from Node)
node_typeReturns NodeType.SPECIAL_CHAR.
parent_nodeGets the immediate parent of this node.
(Inherited from Node)
parent_paragraphRetrieves the parent Paragraph of this node.
(Inherited from Inline)
previous_siblingGets the node immediately preceding this node.
(Inherited from Node)
rangeReturns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained in this node.
(Inherited from Node)


accept(visitor)Accepts a visitor.
clone(is_clone_children)Creates a duplicate of the node.
(Inherited from Node)
get_ancestor(ancestor_type)Gets the first ancestor of the specified object type.
(Inherited from Node)
get_ancestor(ancestor_type)Gets the first ancestor of the specified NodeType.
(Inherited from Node)
get_text()Gets the special character that this node represents.
next_pre_order(root_node)Gets next node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
(Inherited from Node)
node_type_to_string(node_type)A utility method that converts a node type enum value into a user friendly string.
(Inherited from Node)
previous_pre_order(root_node)Gets the previous node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
(Inherited from Node)
remove()Removes itself from the parent.
(Inherited from Node)
to_string(save_format)Exports the content of the node into a string in the specified format.
(Inherited from Node)
to_string(save_options)Exports the content of the node into a string using the specified save options.
(Inherited from Node)

See Also