evenly_spaced property

TextColumnCollection.evenly_spaced property

True if text columns are of equal width and evenly spaced.

def evenly_spaced(self) -> bool:

def evenly_spaced(self, value: bool):


Shows how to create unevenly spaced columns.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
page_setup = builder.page_setup

columns = page_setup.text_columns
columns.evenly_spaced = False

# Determine the amount of room that we have available for arranging columns.
content_width = page_setup.page_width - page_setup.left_margin - page_setup.right_margin

self.assertAlmostEqual(470.30, content_width, delta=0.01)

# Set the first column to be narrow.
column = columns[0]
column.width = 100
column.space_after = 20

# Set the second column to take the rest of the space available within the margins of the page.
column = columns[1]
column.width = content_width - column.width - column.space_after

builder.writeln("Narrow column 1.")
builder.writeln("Wide column 2.")

doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PageSetup.custom_column_width.docx")

See Also