layout property

TextWatermarkOptions.layout property

Gets or sets layout of the watermark. The default value is WatermarkLayout.DIAGONAL.

def layout(self) -> aspose.words.WatermarkLayout:

def layout(self, value: aspose.words.WatermarkLayout):


Shows how to create a text watermark.

doc = aw.Document()
# Add a plain text watermark.
doc.watermark.set_text(text='Aspose Watermark')
# If we wish to edit the text formatting using it as a watermark,
# we can do so by passing a TextWatermarkOptions object when creating the watermark.
text_watermark_options = aw.TextWatermarkOptions()
text_watermark_options.font_family = 'Arial'
text_watermark_options.font_size = 36
text_watermark_options.color =
text_watermark_options.layout = aw.WatermarkLayout.DIAGONAL
text_watermark_options.is_semitrasparent = False
doc.watermark.set_text(text='Aspose Watermark', options=text_watermark_options) + 'Document.TextWatermark.docx')
# We can remove a watermark from a document like this.
if doc.watermark.type == aw.WatermarkType.TEXT:

See Also