
AesEncryptionSettingsSettings for AES encryption or decryption algorithm.
ArchiveThis class represents zip archive file.
ArchiveEntryRepresents single file within archive.
ArchiveEntryEncryptedZip entry that needs to be compressed with encryption or decompressed with decryption.
ArchiveEntryPlainZip entry that needs to be compressed without encryption or decompressed without decryption.
ArchiveEntrySettingsSettings used to compress or decompress entries.
ArchiveFactoryDetects the archive format and creates the appropriate IArchive object according to the type of archive.
ArchiveFormatInfoRepresents information about the archive format.
ArchiveInstanceInfoRepresents information about the archive instance.
ArchiveLoadOptionsOptions with which archive is loaded from compressed file.
ArchiveSaveOptionsOptions for saving a zip archive.
Bzip2ArchiveThis class represents bzip2 archive file.
Bzip2CompressionSettingsSettings for Bzip2 compression method.
Bzip2SaveOptionsOptions for saving a bzip2 archive.
CancelEntryEventArgsEvent arguments for cancelable entry related events.
CompressionSettingsSettings needed for compressor or decompressor to work.
DeflateCompressionSettingsSettings for Deflate compression method.
EncryptionSettingsBase class for settings for several zip encryption methods.
EnhancedDeflateCompressionSettingsSettings for Enhanced Deflate compression method.
EntryEventArgsEvent arguments for entry related events.
EventsBagEvents container used on Archive saving.
GzipArchiveThis class represents gzip archive file.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
LzmaArchiveThis class represents LZMA archive file.
LzmaArchiveSettingsSettings for LZMA compression method within lzma archive.
LzmaCompressionSettingsSettings for LZMA compression method.
MeteredLicenseProvides methods to set metered key.
ParallelOptionsOptions for parallel compression.
ProgressEventArgsClass for event data containing the number of bytes proceeded.
RarArchiveThis class represents RAR archive file.
RarArchiveEntryRepresents single file within archive.
RarArchiveEntryEncryptedRar entry that needs to be decompressed with decryption.
RarArchiveEntryPlainRar entry that needs to be decompressed without decryption.
RarArchiveLoadOptionsOptions with which RarArchive is loaded from compressed file.
SevenZipAESEncryptionSettingsSettings for AES encryption or decryption algorithm.
SevenZipArchiveThis class represents 7z archive file.
SevenZipArchiveEntryRepresents single file within 7z archive.
SevenZipArchiveEntryEncryptedSevenZip archive entry that needs to be compressed with encryption or decompressed with decryption.
SevenZipArchiveEntryPlainSevenZip entry that needs to be compressed without encryption or decompressed without decryption.
SevenZipBZip2CompressionSettingsSettings for BZip2 compression method within 7z archive.
SevenZipCipherBase class for AES cipher used for 7-zip encryption.
SevenZipCompressionSettingsSettings needed for 7z compressor or decompressor to work.
SevenZipEncryptionSettingsBase class for settings for several 7z encryption methods.
SevenZipEntrySettingsSettings used to compress or decompress 7z entries.
SevenZipLZMA2CompressionSettingsSettings for LZMA2 compression method within 7z archive.
SevenZipLZMACompressionSettingsSettings for LZMA compression method within 7z archive.
SevenZipStoreCompressionSettingsSettings for Store compression method within 7z archive.
SplitArchiveSaveOptionsOptions for saving a multi-volume zip archive.
SplitSevenZipArchiveSaveOptionsOptions for saving a multi-volume 7-zip archive.
StoreCompressionSettingsSettings for Store compression method.
TarArchiveThis class represents tar archive file.
TarEntryRepresents single file within tar archive.
TraditionalEncryptionSettingsSettings for traditional ZipCrypto algorithm.
XzArchiveThis class represents xz archive file.
XzArchiveSettingsThe class contains set of setting particular xz archive.
XzBcjX86FilterSettingsSettings for xz Bcj X86 filter.
XzCompressionSettingsSettings for Xz compression method.
XzFilterSettingsBase class for set of settings of particular xz format filter.
XzLZMA2FilterSettingsSet of settings for xz LZMA2 filter.


Event<TArgs>An event.
IArchiveThis interface represents an archive.
IArchiveFileEntryThis interface represents an archive file entry.


ArchiveFormatSupported archive formats.
EncryptionMethodEncryption/decryption methods can be used with zip archive.
ParallelCompressionModeOptions of usage parallel compression facility.
SevenZipCompressionMethodMethods of compression that 7z format support.
TarFormatEnumeration with supported formats of TarArchive.
XzCheckTypeThe enumeration defines checksum calculation approach for xz archive.