Inheritance: java.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.zip.IArchive, java.lang.AutoCloseable
public class LhaArchive implements IArchive, AutoCloseable
This class represents LHA (.lzh) archive file.
Only following compression methods are supported:
| ------ | --------------------------------------------- |
| Method | Explanation |
| lh0 | Uncompressed |
| lh4 | 8 KiB sliding dictionary and static Huffman |
| lh5 | 16 KiB sliding dictionary and static Huffman |
| lh6 | 64 KiB sliding dictionary and static Huffman |
| lh7 | 128 KiB sliding dictionary and static Huffman |
| lhx | 1 Mib sliding dictionary and static Huffman |
| lhd | Directory |
Constructor | Description |
LhaArchive(InputStream sourceStream) | Initializes a new instance of the LhaArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive. |
LhaArchive(String path) | Initializes a new instance of the LhaArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive. |
Method | Description |
close() | {@inheritDoc} |
extractToDirectory(String destinationDirectory) | Extracts all the files and directories in the archive to the directory provided. |
getDirectories() | Gets directory entries of LhaDirectoryEntry type constituting the archive. |
getEntries() | Gets file entries of LhaArchiveEntry type constituting the archive. |
getFileEntries() | Gets entries of IArchiveFileEntry type constituting the archive. |
LhaArchive(InputStream sourceStream)
public LhaArchive(InputStream sourceStream)
Initializes a new instance of the LhaArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive.
This constructor does not decompress any entry. See LhaArchiveEntry.extract(OutputStream) method for decompressing.
Parameter | Type | Description |
sourceStream | java.io.InputStream | the source of the archive |
LhaArchive(String path)
public LhaArchive(String path)
Initializes a new instance of the LhaArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive.
The following example extract an archive, then decompress first entry to a MemoryStream
ByteArrayOutputStream extracted = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (LhaArchive archive = new LhaArchive("sample.lzh")) {
This constructor does not decompress any entry. See ArchiveEntry.open() method for decompressing.
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | java.lang.String | the fully qualified or the relative path to the archive file |
public void close()
extractToDirectory(String destinationDirectory)
public final void extractToDirectory(String destinationDirectory)
Extracts all the files and directories in the archive to the directory provided.
try (LhaArchive archive = new LhaArchive("archive.lzh")) {
Parameter | Type | Description |
destinationDirectory | java.lang.String | the path to the directory to place the extracted files in. |
If the directory does not exist, it will be created |
public final List<LhaDirectoryEntry> getDirectories()
Gets directory entries of LhaDirectoryEntry type constituting the archive.
Returns: java.util.List<com.aspose.zip.LhaDirectoryEntry> - directory entries of LhaDirectoryEntry type constituting the archive
public final List<LhaArchiveEntry> getEntries()
Gets file entries of LhaArchiveEntry type constituting the archive.
Returns: java.util.List<com.aspose.zip.LhaArchiveEntry> - file entries of LhaArchiveEntry type constituting the archive
public final Iterable<IArchiveFileEntry> getFileEntries()
Gets entries of IArchiveFileEntry type constituting the archive.
Archives for compression only, such as gzip, bzip2, lzip, lzma, xz, z consist of the single record - the archive itself.
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<com.aspose.zip.IArchiveFileEntry> - entries of IArchiveFileEntry type constituting the archive