Class WimDirectoryEntry

WimDirectoryEntry class

Represents single directory within wim archive.

public sealed class WimDirectoryEntry : WimEntry


AllEntries { get; }Gets all entries of WimEntry type constituting the directory recursively.
AlternateDataStreams { get; }Gets the names of the alternate data streams for a file or directory.
Archive { get; }Gets the archive the entry belongs to.
ChangeTime { get; }Gets the last time the file or directory was changed.
CreationTime { get; }Gets the creation time of the file or directory.
Directories { get; }Gets entries of WimDirectoryEntry type constituting the directory.
FileAttributes { get; }Gets the file or directory attributes.
Files { get; }Gets entries of WimFileEntry type constituting the directory.
FilesAndDirectories { get; }Gets entries of WimEntry type constituting the directory.
FullPath { get; }Gets full path of the entry within image.
HardLink { get; }Gets the hardlink id of the file or directory.
HasHardLinks { get; }Gets whether the file or directory is known by other names.
Image { get; }Gets the image the entry belongs to.
IsDirectory { get; }Gets a value indicating whether the entry represents directory.
LastAccessTime { get; }Gets the last access time of the file or directory.
LastWriteTime { get; }Gets the modification time of the file or directory.
Name { get; }Gets name of the entry within image.
Parent { get; }Gets the parent directory the entry belongs to.
ShortName { get; }Gets short name of the entry within image.


ExtractToDirectory(string)Extracts all the files in the current directory to the directory provided.
override ToString()

See Also