Class ZstandardArchive

ZstandardArchive class

This class represents Zstandard archive file. Use it to compose Zstandard archives.

public class ZstandardArchive : IArchive, IArchiveFileEntry


ZstandardArchive()Initializes a new instance of the ZstandardArchive class prepared for compressing.
ZstandardArchive(Stream, ZstandardLoadOptions)Initializes a new instance of the ZstandardArchive class prepared for decompressing.
ZstandardArchive(string, ZstandardLoadOptions)Initializes a new instance of the ZstandardArchive class.


Dispose()Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Extract(Stream)Extracts the archive to the stream provided.
Extract(string)Extracts the archive to the file by path.
ExtractToDirectory(string)Extracts content of the archive to the directory provided.
Open()Opens the archive for extraction and provides a stream with archive content.
Save(FileInfo, ZstandardSaveOptions)Saves archive to destination file provided.
Save(Stream, ZstandardSaveOptions)Saves archive to the stream provided.
Save(string, ZstandardSaveOptions)Saves archive to destination file provided.
SetSource(FileInfo)Sets the content to be compressed within the archive.
SetSource(Stream)Sets the content to be compressed within the archive.
SetSource(string)Sets the content to be compressed within the archive.

See Also