
CpioArchive class

This class represents cpio archive file.

The CpioArchive type exposes the following members:


CpioArchive()Initializes a new instance of the CpioArchive class.
CpioArchive(source_stream)Initializes a new instance of the CpioArchive class
CpioArchive(path)Initializes a new instance of the CpioArchive class


entriesGets entries of
file_entriesGets entries of


create_entry(name, source_path, open_immediately)Create single entry within the archive.
create_entry(name, source)Create single entry within the archive.
delete_entry(entry)Removes the first occurrence of a specific entry from the entries list.
delete_entry(entry_index)Removes the entry from the entries list by index.
save(destination_file_name, cpio_format)Saves archive to destination file provided.
save(output, cpio_format)Saves archive to the stream provided.
save_gzipped(output, cpio_format)Saves archive to the stream with gzip compression.
save_gzipped(path, cpio_format)Saves archive to the file by path with gzip compression.
save_lzipped(output, cpio_format)Saves archive to the stream with lzip compression.
save_lzipped(path, cpio_format)Saves archive to the file by path with lzip compression.
save_lzma_compressed(output, cpio_format)Saves the archive to the stream with LZMA compression.
save_lzma_compressed(path, cpio_format)Saves the archive to the file by path with lzma compression.
save_xz_compressed(output, cpio_format, settings)Saves archive to the stream with xz compression.
save_xz_compressed(path, cpio_format, settings)Saves archive to the path by path with xz compression.
save_z_compressed(output, cpio_format)Saves archive to the stream with Z compression.
save_z_compressed(path, cpio_format)Saves archive to the path by path with Z compression.
save_zstandard(output, cpio_format)Saves archive to the stream with Zstandard compression.
save_zstandard(path, cpio_format)Saves archive to the file by path with Zstandard compression.
create_entries(source_directory, include_root_directory)Adds to the archive all the files and directories recursively in the directory given.
extract_to_directory(destination_directory)Extracts all the files in the archive to the directory provided.

See Also