Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.threed.A3DObject, com.aspose.threed.SceneObject, com.aspose.threed.Entity
All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.threed.IMeshConvertible
public class SweptAreaSolid extends Entity implements IMeshConvertible
A SweptAreaSolid constructs a geometry by sweeping a profile along a directrix. Example: The following code shows how to modeling an solid entity by sweeping a C-shape on a circle
var directrix = new Circle(20);
var shape = new CShape();
var swept = new SweptAreaSolid();
var scene = new Scene();
Constructor | Description |
SweptAreaSolid() |
Method | Description |
equals(Object arg0) | |
findProperty(String propertyName) | Finds the property. |
getBoundingBox() | Gets the bounding box of current entity in its object space coordinate system. |
getClass() | |
getDirectrix() | The directrix that the swept area sweeping along with. |
getEndPoint() | The end point of the directrix. |
getEntityRendererKey() | Gets the key of the entity renderer registered in the renderer |
getExcluded() | Gets whether to exclude this entity during exporting. |
getName() | Gets the name. |
getParentNode() | Gets the first parent node, if set the first parent node, this entity will be detached from other parent nodes. |
getParentNodes() | Gets all parent nodes, an entity can be attached to multiple parent nodes for geometry instancing |
getProperties() | Gets the collection of all properties. |
getProperty(String property) | Get the value of specified property |
getScene() | Gets the scene that this object belongs to |
getShape() | The base profile to construct the geometry. |
getStartPoint() | The start point of the directrix. |
hashCode() | |
notify() | |
notifyAll() | |
removeProperty(Property property) | Removes a dynamic property. |
removeProperty(String property) | Remove the specified property identified by name |
setDirectrix(Curve value) | The directrix that the swept area sweeping along with. |
setEndPoint(EndPoint value) | The end point of the directrix. |
setExcluded(boolean value) | Sets whether to exclude this entity during exporting. |
setName(String value) | Sets the name. |
setParentNode(Node value) | Sets the first parent node, if set the first parent node, this entity will be detached from other parent nodes. |
setProperty(String property, Object value) | Sets the value of specified property |
setShape(Profile value) | The base profile to construct the geometry. |
setStartPoint(EndPoint value) | The start point of the directrix. |
toMesh() | Convert current object to mesh |
toString() | |
wait() | |
wait(long arg0) | |
wait(long arg0, int arg1) |
public SweptAreaSolid()
equals(Object arg0)
public boolean equals(Object arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | java.lang.Object |
Returns: boolean
findProperty(String propertyName)
public Property findProperty(String propertyName)
Finds the property. It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty) or native property(Identified by its name)
Parameter | Type | Description |
propertyName | java.lang.String | Property name. |
Returns: Property - The property.
public BoundingBox getBoundingBox()
Gets the bounding box of current entity in its object space coordinate system.
Returns: BoundingBox - the bounding box of current entity in its object space coordinate system. Example: The following code shows how to calculate the bounding box of a shape
Entity entity = new Sphere();
var bbox = entity.getBoundingBox();
System.out.printf("The bounding box of the entity is %s ~ %s", bbox.getMinimum(), bbox.getMaximum());
public final native Class<?> getClass()
Returns: java.lang.Class
public Curve getDirectrix()
The directrix that the swept area sweeping along with.
Returns: Curve - The directrix that the swept area sweeping along with.
public EndPoint getEndPoint()
The end point of the directrix.
Returns: EndPoint - The end point of the directrix.
public EntityRendererKey getEntityRendererKey()
Gets the key of the entity renderer registered in the renderer
Returns: EntityRendererKey - the key of the entity renderer registered in the renderer
public boolean getExcluded()
Gets whether to exclude this entity during exporting.
Returns: boolean - whether to exclude this entity during exporting.
public String getName()
Gets the name.
Returns: java.lang.String - the name.
public Node getParentNode()
Gets the first parent node, if set the first parent node, this entity will be detached from other parent nodes.
Returns: Node - the first parent node, if set the first parent node, this entity will be detached from other parent nodes.
public ArrayList<Node> getParentNodes()
Gets all parent nodes, an entity can be attached to multiple parent nodes for geometry instancing
Returns: java.util.ArrayList<com.aspose.threed.Node> - all parent nodes, an entity can be attached to multiple parent nodes for geometry instancing
public PropertyCollection getProperties()
Gets the collection of all properties.
Returns: PropertyCollection - the collection of all properties.
getProperty(String property)
public Object getProperty(String property)
Get the value of specified property
Parameter | Type | Description |
property | java.lang.String | Property name |
Returns: java.lang.Object - The value of the found property
public Scene getScene()
Gets the scene that this object belongs to
Returns: Scene - the scene that this object belongs to
public Profile getShape()
The base profile to construct the geometry.
Returns: Profile - The base profile to construct the geometry.
public EndPoint getStartPoint()
The start point of the directrix.
Returns: EndPoint - The start point of the directrix.
public native int hashCode()
Returns: int
public final native void notify()
public final native void notifyAll()
removeProperty(Property property)
public boolean removeProperty(Property property)
Removes a dynamic property.
Parameter | Type | Description |
property | Property | Which property to remove |
Returns: boolean - true if the property is successfully removed
removeProperty(String property)
public boolean removeProperty(String property)
Remove the specified property identified by name
Parameter | Type | Description |
property | java.lang.String | Which property to remove |
Returns: boolean - true if the property is successfully removed
setDirectrix(Curve value)
public void setDirectrix(Curve value)
The directrix that the swept area sweeping along with.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Curve | New value |
setEndPoint(EndPoint value)
public void setEndPoint(EndPoint value)
The end point of the directrix.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | EndPoint | New value |
setExcluded(boolean value)
public void setExcluded(boolean value)
Sets whether to exclude this entity during exporting.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | New value |
setName(String value)
public void setName(String value)
Sets the name.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | New value |
setParentNode(Node value)
public void setParentNode(Node value)
Sets the first parent node, if set the first parent node, this entity will be detached from other parent nodes.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Node | New value |
setProperty(String property, Object value)
public void setProperty(String property, Object value)
Sets the value of specified property
Parameter | Type | Description |
property | java.lang.String | Property name |
value | java.lang.Object | The value of the property |
setShape(Profile value)
public void setShape(Profile value)
The base profile to construct the geometry.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Profile | New value |
setStartPoint(EndPoint value)
public void setStartPoint(EndPoint value)
The start point of the directrix.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | EndPoint | New value |
public Mesh toMesh()
Convert current object to mesh
Returns: Mesh - The mesh.
public String toString()
Returns: java.lang.String
public final void wait()
wait(long arg0)
public final void wait(long arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long |
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long | |
arg1 | int |