
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.threed.A3DObject, com.aspose.threed.Material

public class PbrMaterial extends Material

Material for physically based rendering based on albedo color/metallic/roughness


PbrMaterial()Construct a default PBR material instance
PbrMaterial(Vector3 albedo)Construct a default PBR material with specified albedo color value.


MAP_AMBIENTUsed in setTexture to assign a ambient texture mapping.
MAP_DIFFUSEUsed in setTexture to assign a diffuse texture mapping.
MAP_EMISSIVEUsed in setTexture to assign a emissive texture mapping.
MAP_NORMALUsed in setTexture to assign a normal texture mapping.
MAP_SPECULARUsed in setTexture to assign a specular texture mapping.


equals(Object arg0)
findProperty(String propertyName)Finds the property.
fromMaterial(Material material)Allow convert other material to PbrMaterial
getAlbedo()Gets the base color of the material
getAlbedoTexture()Gets the texture for albedo
getEmissiveColor()Gets the emissive color
getEmissiveTexture()Gets the texture for emissive
getMetallicFactor()Gets the metalness of the material, value of 1 means the material is a metal and value of 0 means the material is a dielectric.
getMetallicRoughness()Gets the texture for metallic(in R channel) and roughness(in G channel)
getName()Gets the name.
getNormalTexture()Gets the texture of normal mapping
getOcclusionFactor()Gets the factor of ambient occlusion
getOcclusionTexture()Gets the texture for ambient occlusion
getProperties()Gets the collection of all properties.
getProperty(String property)Get the value of specified property
getRoughnessFactor()Gets the roughness of the material, value of 1 means the material is completely rough and value of 0 means the material is completely smooth
getSpecularTexture()Gets the texture for specular color
getTexture(String slotName)Gets the texture from the specified slot, it can be material’s property name or shader’s parameter name
getTransparency()Gets the transparency factor.
iterator()Gets the enumerator to enumerate internal texture slots.
removeProperty(Property property)Removes a dynamic property.
removeProperty(String property)Remove the specified property identified by name
setAlbedo(Vector3 value)Sets the base color of the material
setAlbedoTexture(TextureBase value)Sets the texture for albedo
setEmissiveColor(Vector3 value)Sets the emissive color
setEmissiveTexture(TextureBase value)Sets the texture for emissive
setMetallicFactor(double value)Sets the metalness of the material, value of 1 means the material is a metal and value of 0 means the material is a dielectric.
setMetallicRoughness(TextureBase value)Sets the texture for metallic(in R channel) and roughness(in G channel)
setName(String value)Sets the name.
setNormalTexture(TextureBase value)Sets the texture of normal mapping
setOcclusionFactor(double value)Sets the factor of ambient occlusion
setOcclusionTexture(TextureBase value)Sets the texture for ambient occlusion
setProperty(String property, Object value)Sets the value of specified property
setRoughnessFactor(double value)Sets the roughness of the material, value of 1 means the material is completely rough and value of 0 means the material is completely smooth
setSpecularTexture(TextureBase value)Sets the texture for specular color
setTexture(String slotName, TextureBase texture)Sets the texture to specified slot
setTransparency(double value)Sets the transparency factor.
toString()Formats object to string
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)


public PbrMaterial()

Construct a default PBR material instance

PbrMaterial(Vector3 albedo)

public PbrMaterial(Vector3 albedo)

Construct a default PBR material with specified albedo color value.


albedoVector3The default albedo color value


public static final String MAP_AMBIENT

Used in setTexture to assign a ambient texture mapping.


public static final String MAP_DIFFUSE

Used in setTexture to assign a diffuse texture mapping.


public static final String MAP_EMISSIVE

Used in setTexture to assign a emissive texture mapping.


public static final String MAP_NORMAL

Used in setTexture to assign a normal texture mapping.


public static final String MAP_SPECULAR

Used in setTexture to assign a specular texture mapping.

equals(Object arg0)

public boolean equals(Object arg0)



Returns: boolean

findProperty(String propertyName)

public Property findProperty(String propertyName)

Finds the property. It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty) or native property(Identified by its name)


propertyNamejava.lang.StringProperty name.

Returns: Property - The property.

fromMaterial(Material material)

public static PbrMaterial fromMaterial(Material material)

Allow convert other material to PbrMaterial


var mat = new LambertMaterial();
     var tex = new Texture();
     mat.setTexture(Material.MAP_DIFFUSE, tex);
     mat.setDiffuseColor(new Vector3(0.3, 0.9, 0.4));
     PbrMaterial pbr = PbrMaterial.fromMaterial(mat);
``` |

### getAlbedo() {#getAlbedo--}

public Vector3 getAlbedo()

Gets the base color of the material

[Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) - the base color of the material
### getAlbedoTexture() {#getAlbedoTexture--}

public TextureBase getAlbedoTexture()

Gets the texture for albedo

[TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) - the texture for albedo
### getClass() {#getClass--}

public final native Class getClass()

### getEmissiveColor() {#getEmissiveColor--}

public Vector3 getEmissiveColor()

Gets the emissive color

[Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) - the emissive color
### getEmissiveTexture() {#getEmissiveTexture--}

public TextureBase getEmissiveTexture()

Gets the texture for emissive

[TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) - the texture for emissive
### getMetallicFactor() {#getMetallicFactor--}

public double getMetallicFactor()

Gets the metalness of the material, value of 1 means the material is a metal and value of 0 means the material is a dielectric.

double - the metalness of the material, value of 1 means the material is a metal and value of 0 means the material is a dielectric.
### getMetallicRoughness() {#getMetallicRoughness--}

public TextureBase getMetallicRoughness()

Gets the texture for metallic(in R channel) and roughness(in G channel)

[TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) - the texture for metallic(in R channel) and roughness(in G channel)
### getName() {#getName--}

public String getName()

Gets the name.

java.lang.String - the name.
### getNormalTexture() {#getNormalTexture--}

public TextureBase getNormalTexture()

Gets the texture of normal mapping

[TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) - the texture of normal mapping
### getOcclusionFactor() {#getOcclusionFactor--}

public double getOcclusionFactor()

Gets the factor of ambient occlusion

double - the factor of ambient occlusion
### getOcclusionTexture() {#getOcclusionTexture--}

public TextureBase getOcclusionTexture()

Gets the texture for ambient occlusion

[TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) - the texture for ambient occlusion
### getProperties() {#getProperties--}

public PropertyCollection getProperties()

Gets the collection of all properties.

[PropertyCollection](../../com.aspose.threed/propertycollection) - the collection of all properties.
### getProperty(String property) {#getProperty-java.lang.String-}

public Object getProperty(String property)

Get the value of specified property

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| property | java.lang.String | Property name |

java.lang.Object - The value of the found property
### getRoughnessFactor() {#getRoughnessFactor--}

public double getRoughnessFactor()

Gets the roughness of the material, value of 1 means the material is completely rough and value of 0 means the material is completely smooth

double - the roughness of the material, value of 1 means the material is completely rough and value of 0 means the material is completely smooth
### getSpecularTexture() {#getSpecularTexture--}

public TextureBase getSpecularTexture()

Gets the texture for specular color

[TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) - the texture for specular color
### getTexture(String slotName) {#getTexture-java.lang.String-}

public TextureBase getTexture(String slotName)

Gets the texture from the specified slot, it can be material's property name or shader's parameter name

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| slotName | java.lang.String | Slot name. |

[TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) - The texture. **Example:**

var mat = new LambertMaterial(); var tex = new Texture(); tex.setFileName(“diffuse.png”); mat.setTexture(Material.MAP_DIFFUSE, tex); tex = (Texture)mat.getTexture(Material.MAP_DIFFUSE);

### getTransparency() {#getTransparency--}

public double getTransparency()

Gets the transparency factor. The factor should be ranged between 0(0%, fully opaque) and 1(100%, fully transparent) Any invalid factor value will be clamped.

double - the transparency factor. The factor should be ranged between 0(0%, fully opaque) and 1(100%, fully transparent) Any invalid factor value will be clamped.
### hashCode() {#hashCode--}

public native int hashCode()

### iterator() {#iterator--}

public Iterator iterator()

Gets the enumerator to enumerate internal texture slots.

### notify() {#notify--}

public final native void notify()

### notifyAll() {#notifyAll--}

public final native void notifyAll()

### removeProperty(Property property) {#removeProperty-com.aspose.threed.Property-}

public boolean removeProperty(Property property)

Removes a dynamic property.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| property | [Property](../../com.aspose.threed/property) | Which property to remove |

boolean - true if the property is successfully removed
### removeProperty(String property) {#removeProperty-java.lang.String-}

public boolean removeProperty(String property)

Remove the specified property identified by name

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| property | java.lang.String | Which property to remove |

boolean - true if the property is successfully removed
### setAlbedo(Vector3 value) {#setAlbedo-com.aspose.threed.Vector3-}

public void setAlbedo(Vector3 value)

Sets the base color of the material

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) | New value |

### setAlbedoTexture(TextureBase value) {#setAlbedoTexture-com.aspose.threed.TextureBase-}

public void setAlbedoTexture(TextureBase value)

Sets the texture for albedo

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) | New value |

### setEmissiveColor(Vector3 value) {#setEmissiveColor-com.aspose.threed.Vector3-}

public void setEmissiveColor(Vector3 value)

Sets the emissive color

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) | New value |

### setEmissiveTexture(TextureBase value) {#setEmissiveTexture-com.aspose.threed.TextureBase-}

public void setEmissiveTexture(TextureBase value)

Sets the texture for emissive

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) | New value |

### setMetallicFactor(double value) {#setMetallicFactor-double-}

public void setMetallicFactor(double value)

Sets the metalness of the material, value of 1 means the material is a metal and value of 0 means the material is a dielectric.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | double | New value |

### setMetallicRoughness(TextureBase value) {#setMetallicRoughness-com.aspose.threed.TextureBase-}

public void setMetallicRoughness(TextureBase value)

Sets the texture for metallic(in R channel) and roughness(in G channel)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) | New value |

### setName(String value) {#setName-java.lang.String-}

public void setName(String value)

Sets the name.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | java.lang.String | New value |

### setNormalTexture(TextureBase value) {#setNormalTexture-com.aspose.threed.TextureBase-}

public void setNormalTexture(TextureBase value)

Sets the texture of normal mapping

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) | New value |

### setOcclusionFactor(double value) {#setOcclusionFactor-double-}

public void setOcclusionFactor(double value)

Sets the factor of ambient occlusion

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | double | New value |

### setOcclusionTexture(TextureBase value) {#setOcclusionTexture-com.aspose.threed.TextureBase-}

public void setOcclusionTexture(TextureBase value)

Sets the texture for ambient occlusion

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) | New value |

### setProperty(String property, Object value) {#setProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-}

public void setProperty(String property, Object value)

Sets the value of specified property

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| property | java.lang.String | Property name |
| value | java.lang.Object | The value of the property |

### setRoughnessFactor(double value) {#setRoughnessFactor-double-}

public void setRoughnessFactor(double value)

Sets the roughness of the material, value of 1 means the material is completely rough and value of 0 means the material is completely smooth

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | double | New value |

### setSpecularTexture(TextureBase value) {#setSpecularTexture-com.aspose.threed.TextureBase-}

public void setSpecularTexture(TextureBase value)

Sets the texture for specular color

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) | New value |

### setTexture(String slotName, TextureBase texture) {#setTexture-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.TextureBase-}

public void setTexture(String slotName, TextureBase texture)

Sets the texture to specified slot

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| slotName | java.lang.String | Slot name. |
| texture | [TextureBase](../../com.aspose.threed/texturebase) | Texture. **Example:**

var mat = new LambertMaterial(); var tex = new Texture(); tex.setFileName(“diffuse.png”); mat.setTexture(Material.MAP_NORMAL, tex);

### setTransparency(double value) {#setTransparency-double-}

public void setTransparency(double value)

Sets the transparency factor. The factor should be ranged between 0(0%, fully opaque) and 1(100%, fully transparent) Any invalid factor value will be clamped.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | double | New value |

### toString() {#toString--}

public String toString()

Formats object to string

java.lang.String - Object string
### wait() {#wait--}

public final void wait()

### wait(long arg0) {#wait-long-}

public final void wait(long arg0)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| arg0 | long |  |

### wait(long arg0, int arg1) {#wait-long-int-}

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| arg0 | long |  |
| arg1 | int |  |