
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.threed.IOConfig, com.aspose.threed.LoadOptions

public class RvmLoadOptions extends LoadOptions

Load options for AVEVA Plant Design Management System’s RVM file. Example: The following code shows how to customize the tessellation parameters for primitive geometries imported from RVM file using RvmLoadOptions.

RvmLoadOptions opt = new RvmLoadOptions();
             var scene = Scene.fromFile("input.rvm", opt);


RvmLoadOptions(FileContentType contentType)Construct a RvmLoadOptions instance
RvmLoadOptions()Construct a RvmLoadOptions instance


equals(Object arg0)
getAttributePrefix()Gets the prefix of the attributes that were defined in external attribute files, The prefix are used to avoid name conflicts, default value is “rvm:”
getCenterScene()Center the scene after it’s loaded.
getCylinderRadialSegments()Gets the number of cylinder’s radial segments, default value is 16
getDishLatitudeSegments()Gets the number of dish’ latitude segments, default value is 8
getDishLongitudeSegments()Gets the number of dish’ longitude segments, default value is 12
getEncoding()Gets the default encoding for text-based files.
getFileFormat()Gets the file format that specified in current Save/Load option.
getFileName()The file name of the exporting/importing scene.
getFileSystem()Allow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save.
getFileSystemFactory()Gets the factory class for FileSystem.
getGenerateMaterials()Generate materials with random colors for each objects in the scene if color table is not exported within the RVM file.
getLookupAttributes()Gets whether to load attributes from external attribute list file(.att/.attrib/.txt), default value is true.
getLookupPaths()Some files like OBJ depends on external file, the lookup paths will allows Aspose.3D to look for external file to load.
getRectangularTorusSegments()Gets the number of rectangular torus’ radial segments, default value is 20
getTorusTubularSegments()Gets the number of torus’ tubular segments, default value is 20
setAttributePrefix(String value)Sets the prefix of the attributes that were defined in external attribute files, The prefix are used to avoid name conflicts, default value is “rvm:”
setCenterScene(boolean value)Center the scene after it’s loaded.
setCylinderRadialSegments(int value)Sets the number of cylinder’s radial segments, default value is 16
setDishLatitudeSegments(int value)Sets the number of dish’ latitude segments, default value is 8
setDishLongitudeSegments(int value)Sets the number of dish’ longitude segments, default value is 12
setEncoding(Charset value)Sets the default encoding for text-based files.
setFileName(String value)The file name of the exporting/importing scene.
setFileSystem(FileSystem value)Allow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save.
setFileSystemFactory(FileSystemFactory value)Sets the factory class for FileSystem.
setGenerateMaterials(boolean value)Generate materials with random colors for each objects in the scene if color table is not exported within the RVM file.
setLookupAttributes(boolean value)Sets whether to load attributes from external attribute list file(.att/.attrib/.txt), default value is true.
setLookupPaths(ArrayList value)Some files like OBJ depends on external file, the lookup paths will allows Aspose.3D to look for external file to load.
setRectangularTorusSegments(int value)Sets the number of rectangular torus’ radial segments, default value is 20
setTorusTubularSegments(int value)Sets the number of torus’ tubular segments, default value is 20
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)

RvmLoadOptions(FileContentType contentType)

public RvmLoadOptions(FileContentType contentType)

Construct a RvmLoadOptions instance




public RvmLoadOptions()

Construct a RvmLoadOptions instance

equals(Object arg0)

public boolean equals(Object arg0)



Returns: boolean


public String getAttributePrefix()

Gets the prefix of the attributes that were defined in external attribute files, The prefix are used to avoid name conflicts, default value is “rvm:”

Returns: java.lang.String - the prefix of the attributes that were defined in external attribute files, The prefix are used to avoid name conflicts, default value is “rvm:”


public boolean getCenterScene()

Center the scene after it’s loaded.

Returns: boolean - Center the scene after it’s loaded.


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class


public int getCylinderRadialSegments()

Gets the number of cylinder’s radial segments, default value is 16

Returns: int - the number of cylinder’s radial segments, default value is 16


public int getDishLatitudeSegments()

Gets the number of dish’ latitude segments, default value is 8

Returns: int - the number of dish’ latitude segments, default value is 8


public int getDishLongitudeSegments()

Gets the number of dish’ longitude segments, default value is 12

Returns: int - the number of dish’ longitude segments, default value is 12


public Charset getEncoding()

Gets the default encoding for text-based files. Default value is null which means the importer/exporter will decide which encoding to use.

Returns: java.nio.charset.Charset - the default encoding for text-based files. Default value is null which means the importer/exporter will decide which encoding to use.


public FileFormat getFileFormat()

Gets the file format that specified in current Save/Load option.

Returns: FileFormat - the file format that specified in current Save/Load option.


public String getFileName()

The file name of the exporting/importing scene. This is optional, but useful when serialize external assets like OBJ’s material.

Returns: java.lang.String - The file name of the exporting/importing scene. This is optional, but useful when serialize external assets like OBJ’s material.


public FileSystem getFileSystem()

Allow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save.

Returns: FileSystem - Allow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save. Example: The default FileSystem is LocalFileSystem, it is not safe in environment like server side, But you can override the file system access by specifying a different implementation. Aspose.3D provides different FileSystem implementation like:

  • Memory-based file system
  • Directory-based file system
  • Dummy file system
  • Zip file system

And you can also use your own implementation.

Scene scene = new Scene();
             var material = new PhongMaterial();
             var boxNode = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(new Box());
             var opt = new ObjSaveOptions();
             var memFs = new HashMap<string, MemoryStream>();
             try(var output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
 				scene.save(output, opt);
 				//The material will be written to variable memFs named output.mtl
 				var materialInBytes = memFs["output.mtl"].toArray();


public static FileSystemFactory getFileSystemFactory()

Gets the factory class for FileSystem. The default factory will create com.aspose.threed.LocalFileSystem which is not suitable for server environment.

Returns: FileSystemFactory - the factory class for FileSystem. The default factory will create com.aspose.threed.LocalFileSystem which is not suitable for server environment. Example: The default FileSystem in SaveOptions/LoadOptions is directory-based file system, You can override the default implementation by specify it through IOConfig.FileSystemFactory:

IOConfig.setFileSystemFactory(new FileSystemFactory() {
 				public FileSystem call() {
 					return FileSystem.createDummyFileSystem();
             Scene scene = new Scene();
             var material = new PhongMaterial();
             var boxNode = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(new Box());
             //opt.FileSystem would be dummy file system now
             var opt = new ObjSaveOptions();
             scene.Save("output.obj", opt);
             //the material file output.mtl will not be written to any places because we've configured a dummy file system as default implementation.


public boolean getGenerateMaterials()

Generate materials with random colors for each objects in the scene if color table is not exported within the RVM file. Default value is true

Returns: boolean - Generate materials with random colors for each objects in the scene if color table is not exported within the RVM file. Default value is true


public boolean getLookupAttributes()

Gets whether to load attributes from external attribute list file(.att/.attrib/.txt), default value is true.

Returns: boolean - whether to load attributes from external attribute list file(.att/.attrib/.txt), default value is true.


public ArrayList<String> getLookupPaths()

Some files like OBJ depends on external file, the lookup paths will allows Aspose.3D to look for external file to load.

Returns: java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> - Some files like OBJ depends on external file, the lookup paths will allows Aspose.3D to look for external file to load. Example: The following code shows how to manually specify the look up textures, so the importer can find

var opt = new ObjLoadOptions();
             //Specify the lookup paths, so the textures can be located.
             var scene = Scene.fromFile("input.obj", opt);


public int getRectangularTorusSegments()

Gets the number of rectangular torus’ radial segments, default value is 20

Returns: int - the number of rectangular torus’ radial segments, default value is 20


public int getTorusTubularSegments()

Gets the number of torus’ tubular segments, default value is 20

Returns: int - the number of torus’ tubular segments, default value is 20


public native int hashCode()

Returns: int


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()

setAttributePrefix(String value)

public void setAttributePrefix(String value)

Sets the prefix of the attributes that were defined in external attribute files, The prefix are used to avoid name conflicts, default value is “rvm:”


valuejava.lang.StringNew value

setCenterScene(boolean value)

public void setCenterScene(boolean value)

Center the scene after it’s loaded.


valuebooleanNew value

setCylinderRadialSegments(int value)

public void setCylinderRadialSegments(int value)

Sets the number of cylinder’s radial segments, default value is 16


valueintNew value

setDishLatitudeSegments(int value)

public void setDishLatitudeSegments(int value)

Sets the number of dish’ latitude segments, default value is 8


valueintNew value

setDishLongitudeSegments(int value)

public void setDishLongitudeSegments(int value)

Sets the number of dish’ longitude segments, default value is 12


valueintNew value

setEncoding(Charset value)

public void setEncoding(Charset value)

Sets the default encoding for text-based files. Default value is null which means the importer/exporter will decide which encoding to use.


valuejava.nio.charset.CharsetNew value

setFileName(String value)

public void setFileName(String value)

The file name of the exporting/importing scene. This is optional, but useful when serialize external assets like OBJ’s material.


valuejava.lang.StringNew value

setFileSystem(FileSystem value)

public void setFileSystem(FileSystem value)

Allow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save.


valueFileSystemNew value Example: The default FileSystem is LocalFileSystem, it is not safe in environment like server side, But you can override the file system access by specifying a different implementation. Aspose.3D provides different FileSystem implementation like:
  • Memory-based file system
  • Directory-based file system
  • Dummy file system
  • Zip file system

And you can also use your own implementation.

Scene scene = new Scene();
             var material = new PhongMaterial();
             var boxNode = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(new Box());
             var opt = new ObjSaveOptions();
             var memFs = new HashMap<string, MemoryStream>();
             try(var output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
 				scene.save(output, opt);
 				//The material will be written to variable memFs named output.mtl
 				var materialInBytes = memFs["output.mtl"].toArray();
``` |

### setFileSystemFactory(FileSystemFactory value) {#setFileSystemFactory-com.aspose.threed.FileSystemFactory-}

public static void setFileSystemFactory(FileSystemFactory value)

Sets the factory class for FileSystem. The default factory will create com.aspose.threed.LocalFileSystem which is not suitable for server environment.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [FileSystemFactory](../../com.aspose.threed/filesystemfactory) | New value **Example:** The default FileSystem in SaveOptions/LoadOptions is directory-based file system, You can override the default implementation by specify it through IOConfig.FileSystemFactory:

IOConfig.setFileSystemFactory(new FileSystemFactory() { @Override public FileSystem call() { return FileSystem.createDummyFileSystem(); } });

         Scene scene = new Scene();
         var material = new PhongMaterial();
         var boxNode = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(new Box());

         //opt.FileSystem would be dummy file system now
         var opt = new ObjSaveOptions();
         scene.Save("output.obj", opt);
         //the material file output.mtl will not be written to any places because we've configured a dummy file system as default implementation.

### setGenerateMaterials(boolean value) {#setGenerateMaterials-boolean-}

public void setGenerateMaterials(boolean value)

Generate materials with random colors for each objects in the scene if color table is not exported within the RVM file. Default value is true

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | boolean | New value |

### setLookupAttributes(boolean value) {#setLookupAttributes-boolean-}

public void setLookupAttributes(boolean value)

Sets whether to load attributes from external attribute list file(.att/.attrib/.txt), default value is true.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | boolean | New value |

### setLookupPaths(ArrayList<String> value) {#setLookupPaths-java.util.ArrayList-java.lang.String--}

public void setLookupPaths(ArrayList value)

Some files like OBJ depends on external file, the lookup paths will allows Aspose.3D to look for external file to load.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> | New value **Example:** The following code shows how to manually specify the look up textures, so the importer can find

var opt = new ObjLoadOptions(); //Specify the lookup paths, so the textures can be located. opt.getLookupPaths().add(“textures”); var scene = Scene.fromFile(“input.obj”, opt); scene.save(“output.glb”);

### setRectangularTorusSegments(int value) {#setRectangularTorusSegments-int-}

public void setRectangularTorusSegments(int value)

Sets the number of rectangular torus' radial segments, default value is 20

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | int | New value |

### setTorusTubularSegments(int value) {#setTorusTubularSegments-int-}

public void setTorusTubularSegments(int value)

Sets the number of torus' tubular segments, default value is 20

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | int | New value |

### toString() {#toString--}

public String toString()

### wait() {#wait--}

public final void wait()

### wait(long arg0) {#wait-long-}

public final void wait(long arg0)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| arg0 | long |  |

### wait(long arg0, int arg1) {#wait-long-int-}

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| arg0 | long |  |
| arg1 | int |  |