
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.threed.A3DObject, com.aspose.threed.SceneObject

public class Scene extends SceneObject


Scene(Entity entity)Initializes a new instance of the Scene class with an entity attached to a new node.
Scene(Scene parentScene, String name)Initializes a new instance of the Scene class as a sub-scene.
Scene()Initializes a new instance of the Scene class.


VERSIONGets the current release version


clear()Clears the scene content and restores the default settings.
createAnimationClip(String name)A shorthand function to create and register the AnimationClip The first AnimationClip will be assigned to the getCurrentAnimationClip
equals(Object arg0)
findProperty(String propertyName)Finds the property.
fromFile(String fileName)Opens the scene from given path
fromFile(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given path
fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format)Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options)Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
fromStream(Stream stream)Opens the scene from given stream
fromStream(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream
fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format)Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options)Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
fromStream(InputStream stream)Opens the scene from given stream
fromStream(InputStream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream
fromStream(InputStream stream, FileFormat format)Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
fromStream(InputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
fromStream(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options)Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
fromStream(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
getAnimationClip(String name)Gets a named AnimationClip
getAnimationClips()Gets all AnimationClip defined in the scene.
getAssetInfo()Gets the top-level asset information
getCurrentAnimationClip()Gets the active AnimationClip
getLibrary()Objects that not directly used in scene hierarchy can be defined in Library.
getName()Gets the name.
getPoses()Gets all Pose used in this scene.
getProperties()Gets the collection of all properties.
getProperty(String property)Get the value of specified property
getRootNode()Gets the root node of the scene.
getScene()Gets the scene that this object belongs to
getSubScenes()Gets all sub-scenes
open(Stream stream)Opens the scene from given stream
open(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream
open(Stream stream, FileFormat format)Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
open(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
open(Stream stream, LoadOptions options)Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
open(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
open(InputStream stream)Opens the scene from given stream
open(InputStream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream
open(InputStream stream, FileFormat format)Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
open(InputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
open(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options)Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
open(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
open(String fileName)Opens the scene from given path
open(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given path
open(String fileName, FileFormat format)Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
open(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
open(String fileName, LoadOptions options)Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
open(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
removeProperty(Property property)Removes a dynamic property.
removeProperty(String property)Remove the specified property identified by name
render(Camera camera, TextureData bitmap)Render the scene into bitmap from given camera’s perspective.
render(Camera camera, TextureData bitmap, ImageRenderOptions options)Render the scene into bitmap from given camera’s perspective.
render(Camera camera, String fileName)Render the scene into external file from given camera’s perspective.
render(Camera camera, String fileName, Vector2 size, String format)Render the scene into external file from given camera’s perspective.
render(Camera camera, String fileName, Vector2 size, String format, ImageRenderOptions options)Render the scene into external file from given camera’s perspective.
save(Stream stream, FileFormat format)Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
save(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
save(Stream stream, SaveOptions options)Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
save(Stream stream, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
save(OutputStream stream, FileFormat format)Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
save(OutputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
save(OutputStream stream, SaveOptions options)Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
save(OutputStream stream, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
save(String fileName)Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.
save(String fileName, FileFormat format)Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.
save(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.
save(String fileName, SaveOptions options)Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.
save(String fileName, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.
setAssetInfo(AssetInfo value)Sets the top-level asset information
setCurrentAnimationClip(AnimationClip value)Sets the active AnimationClip
setName(String value)Sets the name.
setProperty(String property, Object value)Sets the value of specified property
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)

Scene(Entity entity)

public Scene(Entity entity)

Initializes a new instance of the Scene class with an entity attached to a new node.


entityEntityThe initial entity that attached to the scene Example: The following code shows how to create a getScene directly from an Entity:
var scene = new Scene(new Box());
``` |

### Scene(Scene parentScene, String name) {#Scene-com.aspose.threed.Scene-java.lang.String-}

public Scene(Scene parentScene, String name)

Initializes a new instance of the [Scene](../../com.aspose.threed/scene) class as a sub-scene.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| parentScene | [Scene](../../com.aspose.threed/scene) | The parent scene. |
| name | java.lang.String | Scene's name. |

### Scene() {#Scene--}

public Scene()

Initializes a new instance of the [Scene](../../com.aspose.threed/scene) class.


public static final String VERSION

Gets the current release version

### clear() {#clear--}

public void clear()

Clears the scene content and restores the default settings.

### createAnimationClip(String name) {#createAnimationClip-java.lang.String-}

public AnimationClip createAnimationClip(String name)

A shorthand function to create and register the [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip) The first [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip) will be assigned to the [getCurrentAnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/scene\#getCurrentAnimationClip)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| name | java.lang.String | Animation clip's name |

[AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip) - A new animation clip instance with given name
### equals(Object arg0) {#equals-java.lang.Object-}

public boolean equals(Object arg0)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| arg0 | java.lang.Object |  |

### findProperty(String propertyName) {#findProperty-java.lang.String-}

public Property findProperty(String propertyName)

Finds the property. It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty) or native property(Identified by its name)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| propertyName | java.lang.String | Property name. |

[Property](../../com.aspose.threed/property) - The property.
### fromFile(String fileName) {#fromFile-java.lang.String-}

public static Scene fromFile(String fileName)

Opens the scene from given path

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |

### fromFile(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#fromFile-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given path

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format) {#fromFile-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-}

public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format)

Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |

### fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#fromFile-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options) {#fromFile-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.LoadOptions-}

public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options)

Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |

### fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#fromFile-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.LoadOptions-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### fromStream(Stream stream) {#fromStream-com.aspose.threed.Stream-}

public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream)

Opens the scene from given stream

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |

### fromStream(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#fromStream-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format) {#fromStream-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-}

public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |

### fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#fromStream-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options) {#fromStream-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.LoadOptions-}

public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |

### fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#fromStream-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.LoadOptions-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### fromStream(InputStream stream) {}

public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream)

Opens the scene from given stream

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. **Example:** The following code shows how to create a scene from a stream with a cancellation token source

var cts = new Cancellation();
try(InputStream input = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {
Scene scene = Scene.fromStream(input);

### fromStream(InputStream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken) {}

public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task **Example:** The following code shows how to create a scene from a stream with a cancellation token source

var cts = new Cancellation();
try(InputStream input = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {
Scene scene = Scene.fromStream(input, cts);

### fromStream(InputStream stream, FileFormat format) {}

public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, FileFormat format)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. **Example:** The following code shows how to create a scene from a stream

try(InputStream input = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {
Scene scene = Scene.fromStream(input);

### fromStream(InputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) {}

public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task **Example:** The following code shows how to create a scene from a stream

try(InputStream input = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {
Scene scene = Scene.fromStream(input);

### fromStream(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options) {}

public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. **Example:** The following code shows how to create a scene from a stream with load options

var opts = new FbxLoadOptions();
try(InputStream input = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {
Scene scene = Scene.fromStream(input, opts);

### fromStream(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) {}

public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task **Example:** The following code shows how to create a scene from a stream with load options

var opts = new FbxLoadOptions();
try(InputStream input = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {
Scene scene = Scene.fromStream(input, opts);

### getAnimationClip(String name) {#getAnimationClip-java.lang.String-}

public AnimationClip getAnimationClip(String name)

Gets a named [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| name | java.lang.String | The [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip)'s name to look up |

[AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip) - Returned AnimationClip
### getAnimationClips() {#getAnimationClips--}

public List getAnimationClips()

Gets all [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip) defined in the scene.

java.util.List<com.aspose.threed.AnimationClip> - all [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip) defined in the scene.
### getAssetInfo() {#getAssetInfo--}

public AssetInfo getAssetInfo()

Gets the top-level asset information

[AssetInfo](../../com.aspose.threed/assetinfo) - the top-level asset information **Example:** The following code shows how to read the application information from a FBX file:

Scene scene = Scene.fromFile(“test.fbx”); System.out.printf(“The FBX file is created by %s %s”, scene.getAssetInfo().getApplicationName(), scene.getAssetInfo().getApplicationVersion());

### getClass() {#getClass--}

public final native Class getClass()

### getCurrentAnimationClip() {#getCurrentAnimationClip--}

public AnimationClip getCurrentAnimationClip()

Gets the active [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip)

[AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip) - the active [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip)
### getLibrary() {#getLibrary--}

public List getLibrary()

Objects that not directly used in scene hierarchy can be defined in Library. This is useful when you're using sub-scenes and put reusable components under sub-scenes.

java.util.List<com.aspose.threed.A3DObject> - Objects that not directly used in scene hierarchy can be defined in Library. This is useful when you're using sub-scenes and put reusable components under sub-scenes.
### getName() {#getName--}

public String getName()

Gets the name.

java.lang.String - the name.
### getPoses() {#getPoses--}

public Collection getPoses()

Gets all [Pose](../../com.aspose.threed/pose) used in this scene.

java.util.Collection<com.aspose.threed.Pose> - all [Pose](../../com.aspose.threed/pose) used in this scene.
### getProperties() {#getProperties--}

public PropertyCollection getProperties()

Gets the collection of all properties.

[PropertyCollection](../../com.aspose.threed/propertycollection) - the collection of all properties.
### getProperty(String property) {#getProperty-java.lang.String-}

public Object getProperty(String property)

Get the value of specified property

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| property | java.lang.String | Property name |

java.lang.Object - The value of the found property
### getRootNode() {#getRootNode--}

public Node getRootNode()

Gets the root node of the scene.

[Node](../../com.aspose.threed/node) - the root node of the scene. **Example:** The following code shows how to create a node with Box entity attached to the root node.

Scene scene = new Scene(); scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(new Box());“box.stl”);

### getScene() {#getScene--}

public Scene getScene()

Gets the scene that this object belongs to

[Scene](../../com.aspose.threed/scene) - the scene that this object belongs to
### getSubScenes() {#getSubScenes--}

public List getSubScenes()

Gets all sub-scenes

java.util.List<com.aspose.threed.Scene> - all sub-scenes
### hashCode() {#hashCode--}

public native int hashCode()

### notify() {#notify--}

public final native void notify()

### notifyAll() {#notifyAll--}

public final native void notifyAll()

### open(Stream stream) {#open-com.aspose.threed.Stream-}

public void open(Stream stream)

Opens the scene from given stream

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |

### open(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#open-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void open(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### open(Stream stream, FileFormat format) {#open-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-}

public void open(Stream stream, FileFormat format)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |

### open(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#open-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void open(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### open(Stream stream, LoadOptions options) {#open-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.LoadOptions-}

public void open(Stream stream, LoadOptions options)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |

### open(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#open-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.LoadOptions-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void open(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### open(InputStream stream) {}

public void open(InputStream stream)

Opens the scene from given stream

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. **Example:** The following code shows how to open a scene from stream

var scene = new Scene();
try(var fs = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {;

### open(InputStream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken) {}

public void open(InputStream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task **Example:** The following code shows how to open a scene from stream with a cancellation token

var scene = new Scene();
Cancellation cts = new Cancellation();
try(var fs = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {, cts);

### open(InputStream stream, FileFormat format) {}

public void open(InputStream stream, FileFormat format)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. **Example:** The following code shows how to open a scene from stream

Scene scene = new Scene();
try(var fs = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {, FileFormat.GLTF2);

### open(InputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) {}

public void open(InputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task **Example:** The following code shows how to open a scene from stream

Scene scene = new Scene();
try(var fs = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {, FileFormat.GLTF2);

### open(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options) {}

public void open(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. **Example:** The following code shows how to open a scene from stream with extra load options

Scene scene = new Scene();
try(var fs = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {
var opt = new FbxLoadOptions();
opt.getLookupPaths().add(“textures”);, opt);

### open(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) {}

public void open(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task **Example:** The following code shows how to open a scene from stream with extra load options

Scene scene = new Scene();
try(var fs = new FileInputStream(“input.fbx”)) {
var opt = new FbxLoadOptions();
opt.getLookupPaths().add(“textures”);, opt);

### open(String fileName) {#open-java.lang.String-}

public void open(String fileName)

Opens the scene from given path

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |

### open(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#open-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void open(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given path

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### open(String fileName, FileFormat format) {#open-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-}

public void open(String fileName, FileFormat format)

Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |

### open(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#open-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void open(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | File format. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### open(String fileName, LoadOptions options) {#open-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.LoadOptions-}

public void open(String fileName, LoadOptions options)

Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |

### open(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#open-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.LoadOptions-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void open(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| options | [LoadOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/loadoptions) | More detailed configuration to open the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the load task |

### removeProperty(Property property) {#removeProperty-com.aspose.threed.Property-}

public boolean removeProperty(Property property)

Removes a dynamic property.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| property | [Property](../../com.aspose.threed/property) | Which property to remove |

boolean - true if the property is successfully removed
### removeProperty(String property) {#removeProperty-java.lang.String-}

public boolean removeProperty(String property)

Remove the specified property identified by name

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| property | java.lang.String | Which property to remove |

boolean - true if the property is successfully removed
### render(Camera camera, TextureData bitmap) {#render-com.aspose.threed.Camera-com.aspose.threed.TextureData-}

public void render(Camera camera, TextureData bitmap)

Render the scene into bitmap from given camera's perspective.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| camera | [Camera](../../com.aspose.threed/camera) | From which camera's perspective to render the scene |
| bitmap | [TextureData](../../com.aspose.threed/texturedata) | Target of the rendered result |

### render(Camera camera, TextureData bitmap, ImageRenderOptions options) {#render-com.aspose.threed.Camera-com.aspose.threed.TextureData-com.aspose.threed.ImageRenderOptions-}

public void render(Camera camera, TextureData bitmap, ImageRenderOptions options)

Render the scene into bitmap from given camera's perspective.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| camera | [Camera](../../com.aspose.threed/camera) | From which camera's perspective to render the scene |
| bitmap | [TextureData](../../com.aspose.threed/texturedata) | Target of the rendered result |
| options | [ImageRenderOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/imagerenderoptions) | The option to customize some internal settings. |

### render(Camera camera, String fileName) {#render-com.aspose.threed.Camera-java.lang.String-}

public void render(Camera camera, String fileName)

Render the scene into external file from given camera's perspective. The default output size is 1024x768 and output format is png

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| camera | [Camera](../../com.aspose.threed/camera) | From which camera's perspective to render the scene |
| fileName | java.lang.String | The file name of output file |

### render(Camera camera, String fileName, Vector2 size, String format) {#render-com.aspose.threed.Camera-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.Vector2-java.lang.String-}

public void render(Camera camera, String fileName, Vector2 size, String format)

Render the scene into external file from given camera's perspective.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| camera | [Camera](../../com.aspose.threed/camera) | From which camera's perspective to render the scene |
| fileName | java.lang.String | The file name of output file |
| size | [Vector2](../../com.aspose.threed/vector2) | The size of final rendered image |
| format | java.lang.String | The image format of the output file |

### render(Camera camera, String fileName, Vector2 size, String format, ImageRenderOptions options) {#render-com.aspose.threed.Camera-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.Vector2-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.ImageRenderOptions-}

public void render(Camera camera, String fileName, Vector2 size, String format, ImageRenderOptions options)

Render the scene into external file from given camera's perspective.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| camera | [Camera](../../com.aspose.threed/camera) | From which camera's perspective to render the scene |
| fileName | java.lang.String | The file name of output file |
| size | [Vector2](../../com.aspose.threed/vector2) | The size of final rendered image |
| format | java.lang.String | The image format of the output file |
| options | [ImageRenderOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/imagerenderoptions) | The option to customize some internal settings. |

### save(Stream stream, FileFormat format) {#save-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-}

public void save(Stream stream, FileFormat format)

Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | Format. |

### save(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#save-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void save(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | Format. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the save task |

### save(Stream stream, SaveOptions options) {#save-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.SaveOptions-}

public void save(Stream stream, SaveOptions options)

Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [SaveOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/saveoptions) | More detailed configuration to save the stream. |

### save(Stream stream, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#save-com.aspose.threed.Stream-com.aspose.threed.SaveOptions-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void save(Stream stream, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | [Stream](../../com.aspose.threed/stream) | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [SaveOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/saveoptions) | More detailed configuration to save the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the save task |

### save(OutputStream stream, FileFormat format) {}

public void save(OutputStream stream, FileFormat format)

Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | Format. **Example:** The following code shows how to save scene

Scene scene = Scene.fromFile(“input.fbx”);
try(var ms = new ByteArrayOutputStream())
{, FileFormat.USDZ);

### save(OutputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) {}

public void save(OutputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | Format. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the save task **Example:** The following code shows how to save scene

Scene scene = Scene.fromFile(“input.fbx”);
var cts = new Cancellation();
try(var ms = new ByteArrayOutputStream())
{, FileFormat.USDZ, cts);

### save(OutputStream stream, SaveOptions options) {}

public void save(OutputStream stream, SaveOptions options)

Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [SaveOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/saveoptions) | More detailed configuration to save the stream. **Example:** The following code shows how to save scene

Scene scene = Scene.fromFile(“input.fbx”);
var opt = new UsdSaveOptions();
try(var ms = new ByteArrayOutputStream())
{, opt);

### save(OutputStream stream, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) {}

public void save(OutputStream stream, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| stream | | Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream. |
| options | [SaveOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/saveoptions) | More detailed configuration to save the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the save task **Example:** The following code shows how to save scene

Scene scene = Scene.fromFile(“input.fbx”);
var cts = new Cancellation();
var opt = new UsdSaveOptions();
try(var ms = new ByteArrayOutputStream())
{, opt, cts);

### save(String fileName) {#save-java.lang.String-}

public void save(String fileName)

Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |

### save(String fileName, FileFormat format) {#save-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-}

public void save(String fileName, FileFormat format)

Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | Format. |

### save(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#save-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.FileFormat-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void save(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| format | [FileFormat](../../com.aspose.threed/fileformat) | Format. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the save task |

### save(String fileName, SaveOptions options) {#save-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.SaveOptions-}

public void save(String fileName, SaveOptions options)

Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| options | [SaveOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/saveoptions) | More detailed configuration to save the stream. |

### save(String fileName, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) {#save-java.lang.String-com.aspose.threed.SaveOptions-com.aspose.threed.Cancellation-}

public void save(String fileName, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileName | java.lang.String | File name. |
| options | [SaveOptions](../../com.aspose.threed/saveoptions) | More detailed configuration to save the stream. |
| cancellationToken | [Cancellation](../../com.aspose.threed/cancellation) | Cancellation token to the save task |

### setAssetInfo(AssetInfo value) {#setAssetInfo-com.aspose.threed.AssetInfo-}

public void setAssetInfo(AssetInfo value)

Sets the top-level asset information

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [AssetInfo](../../com.aspose.threed/assetinfo) | New value **Example:** The following code shows how to read the application information from a FBX file:

Scene scene = Scene.fromFile(“test.fbx”); System.out.printf(“The FBX file is created by %s %s”, scene.getAssetInfo().getApplicationName(), scene.getAssetInfo().getApplicationVersion());

### setCurrentAnimationClip(AnimationClip value) {#setCurrentAnimationClip-com.aspose.threed.AnimationClip-}

public void setCurrentAnimationClip(AnimationClip value)

Sets the active [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [AnimationClip](../../com.aspose.threed/animationclip) | New value |

### setName(String value) {#setName-java.lang.String-}

public void setName(String value)

Sets the name.

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | java.lang.String | New value |

### setProperty(String property, Object value) {#setProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-}

public void setProperty(String property, Object value)

Sets the value of specified property

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| property | java.lang.String | Property name |
| value | java.lang.Object | The value of the property |

### toString() {#toString--}

public String toString()

### wait() {#wait--}

public final void wait()

### wait(long arg0) {#wait-long-}

public final void wait(long arg0)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| arg0 | long |  |

### wait(long arg0, int arg1) {#wait-long-int-}

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| arg0 | long |  |
| arg1 | int |  |