Inheritance: java.lang.Object
public class TransformBuilder
The TransformBuilder is used to build transform matrix by a chain of transformations. Example: The following code shows how to create a matrix by a set of operation
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder();
tb.translate(10, 20, 0);
tb.scale(10, 10, 10);
tb.rotateEulerDegree(90, 0, 0);
System.out.printf("Transform Matrix: %s", tb.getMatrix());
Constructor | Description |
TransformBuilder(Matrix4 initial, ComposeOrder order) | Construct a TransformBuilder with initial transform matrix and specified compose order |
TransformBuilder(ComposeOrder order) | Construct a TransformBuilder with initial identity transform matrix and specified compose order |
TransformBuilder() | Construct a TransformBuilder with initial identity transform matrix and specified compose order |
Method | Description |
append(Matrix4 m) | Append the new transform matrix to the transform chain. |
compose(Matrix4 m) | Append or prepend the argument to internal matrix. |
equals(Object arg0) | |
getClass() | |
getComposeOrder() | Gets the chain compose order. |
getMatrix() | Gets the current matrix value |
hashCode() | |
notify() | |
notifyAll() | |
prepend(Matrix4 m) | Prepend the new transform matrix to the transform chain. |
rearrange(Axis newX, Axis newY, Axis newZ) | Rearrange the layout of the axis. |
reset() | Reset the transform to identity matrix |
rotate(Quaternion q) | Chain a rotation by a quaternion |
rotateDegree(Vector3 rot, RotationOrder order) | Append rotation with specified order |
rotateDegree(double angle, Vector3 axis) | Chain a rotation transform in degree |
rotateEulerDegree(double degX, double degY, double degZ) | Chain a rotation by Euler angles in degree |
rotateEulerRadian(Vector3 r) | Chain a rotation by Euler angles in radian |
rotateEulerRadian(double x, double y, double z) | Chain a rotation by Euler angles in radian |
rotateRadian(Vector3 rot, RotationOrder order) | Append rotation with specified order |
rotateRadian(double angle, Vector3 axis) | Chain a rotation transform in radian |
scale(Vector3 s) | Chain a scale transform |
scale(double s) | Chain a scaling transform matrix with a component scaled by s |
scale(double x, double y, double z) | Chain a scaling transform matrix |
setComposeOrder(ComposeOrder value) | Sets the chain compose order. |
setMatrix(Matrix4 value) | Sets the current matrix value |
toString() | |
translate(Vector3 v) | Chain a translation transform |
translate(double tx, double ty, double tz) | Chain a translation transform |
wait() | |
wait(long arg0) | |
wait(long arg0, int arg1) |
TransformBuilder(Matrix4 initial, ComposeOrder order)
public TransformBuilder(Matrix4 initial, ComposeOrder order)
Construct a TransformBuilder with initial transform matrix and specified compose order
Parameter | Type | Description |
initial | Matrix4 | |
order | ComposeOrder |
TransformBuilder(ComposeOrder order)
public TransformBuilder(ComposeOrder order)
Construct a TransformBuilder with initial identity transform matrix and specified compose order
Parameter | Type | Description |
order | ComposeOrder |
public TransformBuilder()
Construct a TransformBuilder with initial identity transform matrix and specified compose order
append(Matrix4 m)
public TransformBuilder append(Matrix4 m)
Append the new transform matrix to the transform chain.
Parameter | Type | Description |
m | Matrix4 |
Returns: TransformBuilder
compose(Matrix4 m)
public void compose(Matrix4 m)
Append or prepend the argument to internal matrix.
Parameter | Type | Description |
m | Matrix4 |
equals(Object arg0)
public boolean equals(Object arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | java.lang.Object |
Returns: boolean
public final native Class<?> getClass()
Returns: java.lang.Class
public ComposeOrder getComposeOrder()
Gets the chain compose order.
Returns: ComposeOrder - the chain compose order.
public Matrix4 getMatrix()
Gets the current matrix value
Returns: Matrix4 - the current matrix value
public native int hashCode()
Returns: int
public final native void notify()
public final native void notifyAll()
prepend(Matrix4 m)
public TransformBuilder prepend(Matrix4 m)
Prepend the new transform matrix to the transform chain.
Parameter | Type | Description |
m | Matrix4 |
Returns: TransformBuilder
rearrange(Axis newX, Axis newY, Axis newZ)
public TransformBuilder rearrange(Axis newX, Axis newY, Axis newZ)
Rearrange the layout of the axis.
Parameter | Type | Description |
newX | Axis | The new x component source |
newY | Axis | The new y component source |
newZ | Axis | The new z component source |
Returns: TransformBuilder
public void reset()
Reset the transform to identity matrix
rotate(Quaternion q)
public TransformBuilder rotate(Quaternion q)
Chain a rotation by a quaternion
Parameter | Type | Description |
q | Quaternion | Example: |
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder();
tb.rotate(Quaternion.fromEulerAngle(0, Math.PI, 0));
System.out.printf("Transform Matrix: %s", tb.getMatrix());
``` |
### rotateDegree(Vector3 rot, RotationOrder order) {#rotateDegree-com.aspose.threed.Vector3-com.aspose.threed.RotationOrder-}
public void rotateDegree(Vector3 rot, RotationOrder order)
Append rotation with specified order
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| rot | [Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) | Rotation in degrees |
| order | [RotationOrder](../../com.aspose.threed/rotationorder) | |
### rotateDegree(double angle, Vector3 axis) {#rotateDegree-double-com.aspose.threed.Vector3-}
public TransformBuilder rotateDegree(double angle, Vector3 axis)
Chain a rotation transform in degree
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| angle | double | The angle to rotate in degree |
| axis | [Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) | The axis to rotate **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.rotateDegree(90, Vector3.getUnitY()); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### rotateEulerDegree(double degX, double degY, double degZ) {#rotateEulerDegree-double-double-double-}
public TransformBuilder rotateEulerDegree(double degX, double degY, double degZ)
Chain a rotation by Euler angles in degree
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| degX | double | |
| degY | double | |
| degZ | double | **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.rotateEulerDegree(0, 90, 0); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### rotateEulerRadian(Vector3 r) {#rotateEulerRadian-com.aspose.threed.Vector3-}
public TransformBuilder rotateEulerRadian(Vector3 r)
Chain a rotation by Euler angles in radian
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| r | [Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) | **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.rotateEulerRadian(new Vector3(0, Math.PI, 0)); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### rotateEulerRadian(double x, double y, double z) {#rotateEulerRadian-double-double-double-}
public TransformBuilder rotateEulerRadian(double x, double y, double z)
Chain a rotation by Euler angles in radian
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| x | double | |
| y | double | |
| z | double | **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.rotateEulerRadian(0, Math.PI, 0); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### rotateRadian(Vector3 rot, RotationOrder order) {#rotateRadian-com.aspose.threed.Vector3-com.aspose.threed.RotationOrder-}
public void rotateRadian(Vector3 rot, RotationOrder order)
Append rotation with specified order
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| rot | [Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) | Rotation in radian |
| order | [RotationOrder](../../com.aspose.threed/rotationorder) | **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.rotateRadian(new Vector3(0.3, 0.4, 0.1), RotationOrder.YZX); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### rotateRadian(double angle, Vector3 axis) {#rotateRadian-double-com.aspose.threed.Vector3-}
public TransformBuilder rotateRadian(double angle, Vector3 axis)
Chain a rotation transform in radian
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| angle | double | The angle to rotate in radian |
| axis | [Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) | The axis to rotate **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.rotateRadian(Math.PI, Vector3.getUnitY()); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### scale(Vector3 s) {#scale-com.aspose.threed.Vector3-}
public TransformBuilder scale(Vector3 s)
Chain a scale transform
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| s | [Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) | **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.scale(new Vector3(10, 10, 10)); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### scale(double s) {#scale-double-}
public TransformBuilder scale(double s)
Chain a scaling transform matrix with a component scaled by s
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| s | double | **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.scale(10); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### scale(double x, double y, double z) {#scale-double-double-double-}
public TransformBuilder scale(double x, double y, double z)
Chain a scaling transform matrix
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| x | double | |
| y | double | |
| z | double | **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.scale(10, 10, 10); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### setComposeOrder(ComposeOrder value) {#setComposeOrder-com.aspose.threed.ComposeOrder-}
public void setComposeOrder(ComposeOrder value)
Sets the chain compose order.
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [ComposeOrder](../../com.aspose.threed/composeorder) | New value |
### setMatrix(Matrix4 value) {#setMatrix-com.aspose.threed.Matrix4-}
public void setMatrix(Matrix4 value)
Sets the current matrix value
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | [Matrix4](../../com.aspose.threed/matrix4) | New value |
### toString() {#toString--}
public String toString()
### translate(Vector3 v) {#translate-com.aspose.threed.Vector3-}
public TransformBuilder translate(Vector3 v)
Chain a translation transform
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| v | [Vector3](../../com.aspose.threed/vector3) | **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.translate(new Vector3(0, 10, 0)); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### translate(double tx, double ty, double tz) {#translate-double-double-double-}
public TransformBuilder translate(double tx, double ty, double tz)
Chain a translation transform
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| tx | double | |
| ty | double | |
| tz | double | **Example:**
TransformBuilder tb = new TransformBuilder(); tb.translate(0, 10, 0); System.out.printf(“Transform Matrix: %s”, tb.getMatrix());
### wait() {#wait--}
public final void wait()
### wait(long arg0) {#wait-long-}
public final void wait(long arg0)
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| arg0 | long | |
### wait(long arg0, int arg1) {#wait-long-int-}
public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| arg0 | long | |
| arg1 | int | |