Aspose.CAD for Python via .NET


aspose.cadThe namespace is the core for nested namespaces and the most basic objects used for Aspose.CAD processing.
aspose.cad.cadexceptionsThe namespace contains exceptions thrown by any of the core CAD components.
aspose.cad.cadexceptions.compressorsThe namespace contains exceptions thrown by one of the compression algorithms supported.
aspose.cad.cadexceptions.imageformatsThe namespace contains exceptions thrown by one of the file formats supported.
aspose.cad.dxf.core.fileformats.cadThe namespace handles geometric data in the DXF/DWG file format.
aspose.cad.dxf.core.fileformats.cad.writersThe namespace contains the namespaces used to write Dxf formats.
aspose.cad.dxf.core.fileformats.dwg.pageandsectionThe namespace handles the pages and section of the DWG file.
aspose.cad.dxf.core.watermarkThe namespace contains classes for handling watermarks.
aspose.cad.dxf.core.watermark.validatorThe namespace contains classes for validate watermarks.
aspose.cad.exifThe namespace contains EXIF related helper classes and methods.
aspose.cad.exif.enumsThe namespace contains EXIF enumerations.
aspose.cad.exporters.cadapsentitiesexporter.cadaps3dThe namespace contains classes for handling the APS format.
aspose.cad.exporters.igesexporter.igesdrawableexporterThe namespace contains methods for exporting PolyLine, BezierCurve, and Text from an IGES drawing to APS.
aspose.cad.fileformatsThe namespace contains graphics files processing classes and methods.
aspose.cad.fileformats.bmpThe namespace handles BMP file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cadThe namespace handles Cad related file formats processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadconstsThe namespace contains Cad file format constants.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjectsThe namespace contains Cad file format base entities.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.acadtableThe namespace contains acad table objects.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.attentitiesThe namespace contains att entities.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.blocksThe namespace contains Cad blocks entities.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.datatableThe namespace contains data table objects.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.dictionaryThe namespace contains dictionaries.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.dimassocThe namespace contains Cad DimAssoc entities.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.fieldThe namespace contains Cad Field entities and their elements.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.hatchThe namespace contains Cad Hatch entities and their elements.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.helpersThe namespace contains CAD helper classes.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.mlinestyleobjectThe namespace contains Cad MLineStyle objects and their elements.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.objectcontextdataclassesThe namespace contains Cad ObjectContextDataClasses objects.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.perssubentmanagerThe namespace contains Cad PersSubentManager entities.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.polylinesThe namespace contains Polylines entities.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.sectionThe namespace contains section objects.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.sunstudyThe namespace contains sun study objects.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.tablestyleThe namespace contains table style objects.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.underlaydefinitionThe namespace contains underlay definition objects.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.verticesThe namespace contains vertices entities.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.wipeoutThe namespace contains Wipeout objects.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadparametersThe namespace contains specific Cad file format variables.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.cadtablesThe namespace contains Cad file format table objects.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.dwgThe namespace handles DWG related file formats processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.dwg.acdbobjectsThe handler of namespace
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.dwg.appinfoThe namespace handles DWG related file formats processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.dwg.pageandsection.writerDWG page and section classes namespace handler.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.dwg.r2004The namespace contains the class with the checksum of the section page data.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.dwg.revhistoryThe namespace handles the revision history of the DWG file.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cad.dwg.summaryinfoThe namespace contains the class with the summary information data.
aspose.cad.fileformats.cf2The namespace handles CF2 related file formats processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.colladaThe namespace handles COLLADA related file formats processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.collada.fileparser.elementsA parser for processing the elements of a Collada file.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dgnThe namespace handles DGN related file formats processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dgn.dgnelementsThe namespace contains Dgn elements.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dgn.dgntransformThe namespace handles Dgn related file formats processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dwfThe namespace contains DWF graphics files processing classes and methods.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dwf.whipThe namespace handles Dwf whip processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dwf.whip.objectsThe namespace handles Dwf whip objects processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dwf.whip.objects.drawableThe namespace handles Dwf whip objects processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dwf.whip.objects.drawable.textThe namespace handles Dwf whip objects processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dwf.whip.objects.serviceThe namespace handles Dwf whip objects processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.dwf.whip.objects.service.fontThe namespace handles Dwf whip objects processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.fbxThe namespace handles FBX file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.ifcThe namespace handles ifc file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.ifc.ifc2x3.entitiesThe namespace handles IFC2X3 file format entities.
aspose.cad.fileformats.ifc.ifc2x3.typesThe namespace handles IFC2X3 file format types.
aspose.cad.fileformats.ifc.ifc4.entitiesThe namespace contains classes and methods of IFC4 entities.
aspose.cad.fileformats.ifc.ifc4.typesThe namespace contains classes and methods of IFC4 types.
aspose.cad.fileformats.ifc.ifcdrawing.visitorsThe visitors for IFC figure.
aspose.cad.fileformats.igesThe namespace handles IGES file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.iges.commondefinitionsThe namespace contains a structure for ColorRGB and Point3D.
aspose.cad.fileformats.iges.drawablesThe namespace handles the IGES geometric representation of an entity or part of it.
aspose.cad.fileformats.jpegThe namespace handles JPEG file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.jpeg2000The namespace handles JPEG2000 file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.objThe namespace handles OBJ file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.obj.elementsThe namespace handles elements of the Obj file format.
aspose.cad.fileformats.obj.mtlThe namespace handles ifc file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.obj.vertexdataThe namespace handles vertex data in the Obj file format.
aspose.cad.fileformats.obj.vertexdata.indexThe namespace handles the index of vertex data in the Obj file format.
aspose.cad.fileformats.pdfThe namespace contains classes for PDF file format integration.
aspose.cad.fileformats.pltThe namespace handles PLT file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.plt.pltparsersThe namespace contains the classes and method for handling PLT parse files.
aspose.cad.fileformats.plt.pltparsers.pltparserThe namespace contains the PLT file parser.
aspose.cad.fileformats.plt.pltparsers.pltparser.pltcommandsThe namespace contains the command identifiers for the PLT argument type.
aspose.cad.fileformats.plt.pltparsers.pltparser.pltplotitemsThe namespace contains file handling classes for PLT plot elements.
aspose.cad.fileformats.pngThe namespace handles PNG file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.psdThe namespace handles PSD file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.psd.resourcesThe namespace contains Psd related resource elements.
aspose.cad.fileformats.shxThe namespace handles SHX file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.stlThe namespace handles STL file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.stl.stllibrary.core.modelsThe namespace contains classes for STL models.
aspose.cad.fileformats.stpThe namespace handles STP file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.stp.itemsThe namespace contains elements for STP files.
aspose.cad.fileformats.stp.rendererThe namespace controls the handling of STL renderer file formats..
aspose.cad.fileformats.stp.stplibrary.core.modelsThe namespace contains the STP model classes.
aspose.cad.fileformats.svgThe namespace handles SVG related file formats processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.tiffThe namespace handles Tiff file format processing.
aspose.cad.fileformats.tiff.enumsThe namespace contains Tiff file format enumerations.
aspose.cad.fileformats.tiff.filemanagementThe namespace contains a stream manager for reading and writing a TIFF file.
aspose.cad.fileformats.tiff.instancefactoryThe namespace contains Tiff file format tag factory helper classes and interfaces.
aspose.cad.fileformats.tiff.tifftagtypesThe namespace contains Tiff file format tag classes.
aspose.cad.imagefilters.filteroptionsThe namespace handles Filter options.
aspose.cad.imageoptionsThe namespace contains classes suitable for export, save or creation of different file formats.
aspose.cad.imageoptions.svgoptionsparametersThe namespace contains the namespaces contains the SVG bitmap parameters.
aspose.cad.palettehelperThe namespace contains classes for adjustment of color palette to the image colors and visa versa.
aspose.cad.sourcesNamespace contains different stream sources which are suitable for input or output data flow.
aspose.cad.xmpThe namespace contains XMP related helper classes and methods.
aspose.cad.xmp.schemas.dublincoreThe namespace contains Dublin Core metadata related helper classes, constants and methods.
aspose.cad.xmp.schemas.pdfThe namespace contains related helper classes, constants and methods used with Adobe PDF documents.
aspose.cad.xmp.schemas.photoshopThe namespace contains related helper classes, constants and methods used by Adobe Photoshop.
aspose.cad.xmp.schemas.xmpbaseschemaThe namespace contains the XMP Basic Schema related helper classes, constants and methods that provide basic descriptive information.
aspose.cad.xmp.schemas.xmpdmThe namespace contains XMP related helper classes, constants and methods used by the Adobe dynamic media group.
aspose.cad.xmp.schemas.xmpmmThe namespace contains related helper classes, constants and methods that is primarily used by digital asset management (DAM) systems.
aspose.cad.xmp.schemas.xmprmThe namespace contains related to rights management helper classes, constants and methods.

These properties specify information regarding the legal restrictions associated with a resource.
aspose.cad.xmp.typesThe namespace contains classes that represent the values of XMP properties in three basic categories: basic types,

complex and derived types.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.basicThe namespace contains classes that represent the basic type values of XMP properties.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.complexThe namespace contains classes that represent the complex type values of XMP properties.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.complex.colorantThe namespace contains classes that represent the structures containing the characteristics of a colorant (swatch) used in a document.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.complex.dimensionsThe namespace contains classes that represent the structure containing dimensions for a drawn object.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.complex.fontThe namespace contains classes that represent the structure containing the characteristics of a font used in a document.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.complex.resourceeventThe namespace contains class that is a high level event that occured in the processing of this document.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.complex.resourcerefThe namespace contains class that is a multiple part reference to a resource.

Used to indicate prior versions, originals of renditions, originals for derived documents, and so on.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.complex.thumbnailThe namespace contains class that is a thumbnail image for a file.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.complex.versionThe namespace contains classes that describe one version of a document.
aspose.cad.xmp.types.derivedThe namespace contains classes that represent the derived type values of XMP properties.