CadPlotLayoutFlag enumeration

CadPlotLayoutFlag enumeration

Plot layout flag. CadPlotSettings.plot_layout_flag

The CadPlotLayoutFlag type exposes the following members:


PLOT_VIEWPORT_BORDERSThe plot viewport borders
SHOW_PLOT_STYLESThe show plot styles
PLOT_CENTEREDThe plot centered
PLOT_HIDDENThe plot hidden
USE_STANDARD_SCALEThe use standard scale
PLOT_PLOT_STYLESThe plot plot styles
SCALE_LINE_WEIGHTSThe scale line weights
PRINT_LINE_WEIGHTSThe print line weights
DRAW_VIEWPORTS_FIRSTThe draw viewports first
MODEL_TYPEThe model type
UPDATE_PAPERThe update paper
ZOOM_TO_PAPER_ON_UPDATEThe zoom to paper on update
INITIALIZINGThe initializing
PREV_PLOT_INITThe previous plot initialize

See Also