CadClassEntity class

CadClassEntity class

The Cad class entity.

The CadClassEntity type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of CadClassEntity


typeGets the class type.
nameGets or sets the name.
cpp_nameGets or sets the name of the CPP.
application_nameGets or sets the name of the application.
proxy_capabilities_flagGets or sets the proxy capabilities flag.
count_for_custom_classGets or sets the count for custom class.
was_proxyWas-a-proxy flag
is_entityIs-an-entity flag.
classnumGets or sets the class number.
dwg_verGets or sets the DWG ver.
item_class_idGets or sets the item class identifier.
maintenance_releaseGets or sets the maintenance release.

See Also