
EquationNodeType enumeration

Equation node type. Notice: (1)[1-99] Currently there is only one node in the scope, and its enumeration value is 1. The node it specifies is used to store mathematical text. (2)[100-199] Indicates that the node is a component of some special function nodes. (3)[200-] Indicates that the node has some special functions(Usually with ‘Equation’ suffix. ‘EquationParagraph’ is a special case.).


Text1specifies a node that stores math text
Base100Specifies a component of type ‘Base’
Denominator101Specifies a component of type ‘Denominator’
Numerator102Specifies a component of type ‘Numerator’
FunctionName103Specifies a component of type ‘FunctionName’
Subscript104Specifies a component of type ‘Subscript’
Superscript105Specifies a component of type ‘Superscript’
Degree106Specifies a component of type ‘Degree’
MatrixRow107Specifies a component of type ‘MatrixRow’.A single row of the matrix
EquationParagraph200Specifies a mathematical paragraph(oMathPara).
MathematicalEquation201Specifies an equation or mathematical expression(OMath).
FractionEquation202Specifies fractional equation
FunctionEquation203Specifies function equation
DelimiterEquation204Specifies delimiter equation
NaryEquation205Specifies n-ary operator equation
RadicalEquation206Specifies the radical equation
SuperscriptEquation207Specifies superscript equation
SubscriptEquation208Specifies subscript equation
SubSupEquation209Specifies an equation with superscripts and subscripts to the right of the operands.
PreSubSupEquation210Specifies an equation with superscripts and subscripts to the left of the operands.
AccentEquation211Specifies accent equation
BarEquation212Specifies bar equation
BorderBoxEquation213Specifies border box equation
BoxEquation214Specifies box equation
GroupCharacterEquation215Specifies Group-Character equation
MatrixEquation216Specifies the Matrix equation,