
ExceptionType enumeration

Represents custom exception type code.


Chart0Invalid chart setting.
DataType1Invalid data type setting.
DataValidation2Invalid data validation setting.
ConditionalFormatting3Invalid data validation setting.
FileFormat4Invalid file format.
Formula5Invalid formula.
InvalidData6Invalid data.
InvalidOperator7Invalid operator.
IncorrectPassword8Incorrect password.
License9License related errors.
Limitation10Out of MS Excel limitation error.
PageSetup11Invalid page setup setting.
PivotTable12Invalid pivotTable setting.
Shape13Invalid drawing object setting.
Sparkline14Invalid sparkline object setting.
SheetName15Invalid worksheet name.
SheetType16Invalid worksheet type.
Interrupted17The process is interrupted.
IO18The file is invalid.
Permission19Permission is required to open this file.
UnsupportedFeature20Unsupported feature.
UnsupportedStream21Unsupported stream to be opened.
UndisclosedInformation22Files contains some undisclosed information.
FileCorrupted23File content is corrupted.
Internal24Internal exception.
DefinedName25Invalid defined name
Font26Invalid font
AutoFilter27Invalid auto filter setting.
FontSubstitution28Font substitution warning type when a font has not been found, this warning type can be get.