Style class
Represents display style of excel document,such as font,color,alignment,border,etc. The Style object contains all style attributes (font, number format, alignment, and so on) as properties.
class Style;
//First method
const { Workbook, Color } = require("aspose.cells.node");
var excel = new Workbook();
var style = excel.createStyle();
style.getFont().setName("Times New Roman");
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
excel.getWorksheets().get(0).getCells().get(0, i).setStyle(style);
//Second method
var style1 = excel.getWorksheets().get(0).getCells().get("A1").getStyle();
style1.getFont().setName("Times New Roman");
//First method is a fast and efficient way to change several cell-formatting properties on multiple cells at the same time.
//If you want to change a single cell's style properties, second method can be used.
Method | Description |
getBackgroundThemeColor() | Gets and sets the background theme color. |
setBackgroundThemeColor(ThemeColor) | Gets and sets the background theme color. |
getForegroundThemeColor() | Gets and sets the foreground theme color. |
setForegroundThemeColor(ThemeColor) | Gets and sets the foreground theme color. |
getName() | Gets or sets the name of the style. |
setName(string) | Gets or sets the name of the style. |
getPattern() | Gets or sets the cell background pattern type. |
setPattern(BackgroundType) | Gets or sets the cell background pattern type. |
getBorders() | Gets the BorderCollection of the style. |
getBackgroundColor() | Gets or sets a style’s background color. |
setBackgroundColor(Color) | Gets or sets a style’s background color. |
getBackgroundArgbColor() | Gets and sets the background color with a 32-bit ARGB value. |
setBackgroundArgbColor(number) | Gets and sets the background color with a 32-bit ARGB value. |
getForegroundColor() | Gets or sets a style’s foreground color. |
setForegroundColor(Color) | Gets or sets a style’s foreground color. |
getForegroundArgbColor() | Gets and sets the foreground color with a 32-bit ARGB value. |
setForegroundArgbColor(number) | Gets and sets the foreground color with a 32-bit ARGB value. |
getHasBorders() | Checks whether there are borders have been set for the style. |
getParentStyle() | Gets the parent style of this style. |
isNumberFormatApplied() | Indicate whether the number formatting should be applied. |
setIsNumberFormatApplied(boolean) | Indicate whether the number formatting should be applied. |
isFontApplied() | Indicate whether the font formatting should be applied. |
setIsFontApplied(boolean) | Indicate whether the font formatting should be applied. |
isAlignmentApplied() | Indicate whether the alignment formatting should be applied. |
setIsAlignmentApplied(boolean) | Indicate whether the alignment formatting should be applied. |
isBorderApplied() | Indicate whether the border formatting should be applied. |
setIsBorderApplied(boolean) | Indicate whether the border formatting should be applied. |
isFillApplied() | Indicate whether the fill formatting should be applied. |
setIsFillApplied(boolean) | Indicate whether the fill formatting should be applied. |
isProtectionApplied() | Indicate whether the protection formatting should be applied. |
setIsProtectionApplied(boolean) | Indicate whether the protection formatting should be applied. |
getIndentLevel() | Represents the indent level for the cell or range. Can only be an integer from 0 to 250. |
setIndentLevel(number) | Represents the indent level for the cell or range. Can only be an integer from 0 to 250. |
getFont() | Gets a Font object. |
getRotationAngle() | Represents text rotation angle. |
setRotationAngle(number) | Represents text rotation angle. |
getHorizontalAlignment() | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment type of the text in a cell. |
setHorizontalAlignment(TextAlignmentType) | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment type of the text in a cell. |
getVerticalAlignment() | Gets or sets the vertical alignment type of the text in a cell. |
setVerticalAlignment(TextAlignmentType) | Gets or sets the vertical alignment type of the text in a cell. |
isTextWrapped() | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text within a cell is wrapped. |
setIsTextWrapped(boolean) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text within a cell is wrapped. |
getNumber() | Gets or sets the display format of numbers and dates. The formatting patterns are different for different regions. |
setNumber(number) | Gets or sets the display format of numbers and dates. The formatting patterns are different for different regions. |
isLocked() | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a cell can be modified or not. |
setIsLocked(boolean) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a cell can be modified or not. |
getCustom() | Represents the custom number format string of this style object. If the custom number format is not set(For example, the number format is builtin), "" will be returned. |
setCustom(string) | Represents the custom number format string of this style object. If the custom number format is not set(For example, the number format is builtin), "" will be returned. |
getCultureCustom() | Gets and sets the culture-dependent pattern string for number format. If no number format has been set for this object, null will be returned. If number format is builtin, the pattern string corresponding to the builtin number will be returned. |
setCultureCustom(string) | Gets and sets the culture-dependent pattern string for number format. If no number format has been set for this object, null will be returned. If number format is builtin, the pattern string corresponding to the builtin number will be returned. |
getInvariantCustom() | Gets the culture-independent pattern string for number format. If no number format has been set for this object, null will be returned. If number format is builtin, the pattern string corresponding to the builtin number will be returned. |
isFormulaHidden() | Represents if the formula will be hidden when the worksheet is protected. |
setIsFormulaHidden(boolean) | Represents if the formula will be hidden when the worksheet is protected. |
getShrinkToFit() | Represents if text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width. |
setShrinkToFit(boolean) | Represents if text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width. |
getTextDirection() | Represents text reading order. |
setTextDirection(TextDirectionType) | Represents text reading order. |
isJustifyDistributed() | Indicates if the cells justified or distributed alignment should be used on the last line of text. |
setIsJustifyDistributed(boolean) | Indicates if the cells justified or distributed alignment should be used on the last line of text. |
getQuotePrefix() | Indicates whether the cell’s value starts with single quote mark. |
setQuotePrefix(boolean) | Indicates whether the cell’s value starts with single quote mark. |
isGradient() | Indicates whether the cell shading is a gradient pattern. |
setIsGradient(boolean) | Indicates whether the cell shading is a gradient pattern. |
isPercent() | Indicates whether the number format is a percent format. |
isDateTime() | Indicates whether the number format is a date format. |
setPatternColor(BackgroundType, Color, Color) | Sets the background color. |
copy(Style) | Copies data from another style object |
update() | Apply the named style to the styles of the cells which use this named style. It works like clicking the “ok” button after you finished modifying the style. Only applies for named style. |
isModified(StyleModifyFlag) | Checks whether the specified properties of the style have been modified. Used for style of ConditionalFormattings to check whether the specified properties of this style should be used when applying the ConditionalFormattings on a cell. |
equals(object) | Determines whether two Style instances are equal. |
getHashCode() | Serves as a hash function for a Style object. |
setBorder(BorderType, CellBorderType, Color) | Sets the borders of the style. |
setBorder(BorderType, CellBorderType, CellsColor) | Sets the borders of the style. |
setCustom(string, boolean) | Sets the Custom number format string of a cell. |
setTwoColorGradient(Color, Color, GradientStyleType, number) | Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient. |
getTwoColorGradientSetting() | Get the two-color gradient setting. |
toJson() | Convert Style to JSON struct data. |
isNull() | Checks whether the implementation object is null. |
Gets and sets the background theme color.
getBackgroundThemeColor() : ThemeColor;
If the background color is not a theme color, NULL will be returned.
Gets and sets the background theme color.
setBackgroundThemeColor(value: ThemeColor) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | ThemeColor | The value to set. |
If the background color is not a theme color, NULL will be returned.
Gets and sets the foreground theme color.
getForegroundThemeColor() : ThemeColor;
If the foreground color is not a theme color, NULL will be returned.
Gets and sets the foreground theme color.
setForegroundThemeColor(value: ThemeColor) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | ThemeColor | The value to set. |
If the foreground color is not a theme color, NULL will be returned.
Gets or sets the name of the style.
getName() : string;
Gets or sets the name of the style.
setName(value: string) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | string | The value to set. |
Gets or sets the cell background pattern type.
getPattern() : BackgroundType;
Gets or sets the cell background pattern type.
setPattern(value: BackgroundType) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | BackgroundType | The value to set. |
Gets the BorderCollection of the style.
getBorders() : BorderCollection;
Gets or sets a style’s background color.
getBackgroundColor() : Color;
If you want to set a cell’s color, please use Style.ForegroundColor property. Only if the cell style pattern is other than none or solid, this property will take effect.
Gets or sets a style’s background color.
setBackgroundColor(value: Color) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Color | The value to set. |
If you want to set a cell’s color, please use Style.ForegroundColor property. Only if the cell style pattern is other than none or solid, this property will take effect.
Gets and sets the background color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
getBackgroundArgbColor() : number;
Gets and sets the background color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
setBackgroundArgbColor(value: number) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | number | The value to set. |
Gets or sets a style’s foreground color.
getForegroundColor() : Color;
It means no color setting if Color.Empty is returned.
Gets or sets a style’s foreground color.
setForegroundColor(value: Color) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Color | The value to set. |
It means no color setting if Color.Empty is returned.
Gets and sets the foreground color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
getForegroundArgbColor() : number;
Gets and sets the foreground color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
setForegroundArgbColor(value: number) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | number | The value to set. |
Checks whether there are borders have been set for the style.
getHasBorders() : boolean;
Gets the parent style of this style.
getParentStyle() : Style;
Indicate whether the number formatting should be applied.
isNumberFormatApplied() : boolean;
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the number formatting should be applied.
setIsNumberFormatApplied(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the font formatting should be applied.
isFontApplied() : boolean;
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the font formatting should be applied.
setIsFontApplied(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the alignment formatting should be applied.
isAlignmentApplied() : boolean;
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the alignment formatting should be applied.
setIsAlignmentApplied(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the border formatting should be applied.
isBorderApplied() : boolean;
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the border formatting should be applied.
setIsBorderApplied(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the fill formatting should be applied.
isFillApplied() : boolean;
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the fill formatting should be applied.
setIsFillApplied(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the protection formatting should be applied.
isProtectionApplied() : boolean;
Only for named style.
Indicate whether the protection formatting should be applied.
setIsProtectionApplied(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Only for named style.
Represents the indent level for the cell or range. Can only be an integer from 0 to 250.
getIndentLevel() : number;
If text horizontal alignment type is set to value other than left or right, indent level will be reset to zero.
Represents the indent level for the cell or range. Can only be an integer from 0 to 250.
setIndentLevel(value: number) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | number | The value to set. |
If text horizontal alignment type is set to value other than left or right, indent level will be reset to zero.
Gets a Font object.
getFont() : Font;
Represents text rotation angle.
getRotationAngle() : number;
0: Not rotated.
255: Top to Bottom.
-90: Downward.
90: Upward.
You can set 255 or value ranged from -90 to 90.setRotationAngle(number)
Represents text rotation angle.
setRotationAngle(value: number) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | number | The value to set. |
0: Not rotated.
255: Top to Bottom.
-90: Downward.
90: Upward.
You can set 255 or value ranged from -90 to 90.getHorizontalAlignment()
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment type of the text in a cell.
getHorizontalAlignment() : TextAlignmentType;
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment type of the text in a cell.
setHorizontalAlignment(value: TextAlignmentType) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | TextAlignmentType | The value to set. |
Gets or sets the vertical alignment type of the text in a cell.
getVerticalAlignment() : TextAlignmentType;
Gets or sets the vertical alignment type of the text in a cell.
setVerticalAlignment(value: TextAlignmentType) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | TextAlignmentType | The value to set. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text within a cell is wrapped.
isTextWrapped() : boolean;
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text within a cell is wrapped.
setIsTextWrapped(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Gets or sets the display format of numbers and dates. The formatting patterns are different for different regions.
getNumber() : number;
For example, the formatting patterns represented by numbers for en_US region:
Gets or sets the display format of numbers and dates. The formatting patterns are different for different regions.
setNumber(value: number) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | number | The value to set. |
For example, the formatting patterns represented by numbers for en_US region:
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a cell can be modified or not.
isLocked() : boolean;
Locking cells has no effect unless the worksheet is protected.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a cell can be modified or not.
setIsLocked(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Locking cells has no effect unless the worksheet is protected.
Represents the custom number format string of this style object. If the custom number format is not set(For example, the number format is builtin), "" will be returned.
getCustom() : string;
The returned custom string is culture-independent.
Represents the custom number format string of this style object. If the custom number format is not set(For example, the number format is builtin), "" will be returned.
setCustom(value: string) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | string | The value to set. |
The returned custom string is culture-independent.
Gets and sets the culture-dependent pattern string for number format. If no number format has been set for this object, null will be returned. If number format is builtin, the pattern string corresponding to the builtin number will be returned.
getCultureCustom() : string;
For builtin number format, both the pattern content(such as, one builtin date format is “m/d/y” for some locales, but for some other locales it becomes “d/m/y”) and the format specifier(such as, some locales is using character other than ‘y’ to represent the year part for date formatting) are culture-dependent; For user specified custom format, only format specifiers are changed according to the culture, other parts of the formatting pattern will not be modified.
Gets and sets the culture-dependent pattern string for number format. If no number format has been set for this object, null will be returned. If number format is builtin, the pattern string corresponding to the builtin number will be returned.
setCultureCustom(value: string) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | string | The value to set. |
For builtin number format, both the pattern content(such as, one builtin date format is “m/d/y” for some locales, but for some other locales it becomes “d/m/y”) and the format specifier(such as, some locales is using character other than ‘y’ to represent the year part for date formatting) are culture-dependent; For user specified custom format, only format specifiers are changed according to the culture, other parts of the formatting pattern will not be modified.
Gets the culture-independent pattern string for number format. If no number format has been set for this object, null will be returned. If number format is builtin, the pattern string corresponding to the builtin number will be returned.
getInvariantCustom() : string;
For builtin number formats, the returned pattern content is still culture-dependent, such as, for some locales it returns “m/d/y” and for some other locales it returns “d/m/y”. The difference from CultureCustom is(that is also what culture-independent means): the format specifiers and separators are kept as standard, such as ‘/’ will always be used as datetime separator and “y” will always be used as the “year” part no matter what other special character is used for the specific locale.
Represents if the formula will be hidden when the worksheet is protected.
isFormulaHidden() : boolean;
Represents if the formula will be hidden when the worksheet is protected.
setIsFormulaHidden(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Represents if text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width.
getShrinkToFit() : boolean;
Represents if text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width.
setShrinkToFit(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Represents text reading order.
getTextDirection() : TextDirectionType;
Represents text reading order.
setTextDirection(value: TextDirectionType) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | TextDirectionType | The value to set. |
Indicates if the cells justified or distributed alignment should be used on the last line of text.
isJustifyDistributed() : boolean;
This is typical for East Asian alignments but not typical in other contexts.
Indicates if the cells justified or distributed alignment should be used on the last line of text.
setIsJustifyDistributed(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
This is typical for East Asian alignments but not typical in other contexts.
Indicates whether the cell’s value starts with single quote mark.
getQuotePrefix() : boolean;
Indicates whether the cell’s value starts with single quote mark.
setQuotePrefix(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Indicates whether the cell shading is a gradient pattern.
isGradient() : boolean;
Indicates whether the cell shading is a gradient pattern.
setIsGradient(value: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The value to set. |
Indicates whether the number format is a percent format.
isPercent() : boolean;
Indicates whether the number format is a date format.
isDateTime() : boolean;
setPatternColor(BackgroundType, Color, Color)
Sets the background color.
setPatternColor(pattern: BackgroundType, color1: Color, color2: Color) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
pattern | BackgroundType | The pattern. |
color1 | Color | The foreground color. |
color2 | Color | The background color. Only works when pattern is not BackgroundType.None and BackgroundType.Solid. |
Copies data from another style object
copy(style: Style) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
style | Style | Source Style object |
This method does not copy the name of the style. If you want to copy the name, please call the following codes after copying style: destStyle.Name = style.Name.
Apply the named style to the styles of the cells which use this named style. It works like clicking the “ok” button after you finished modifying the style. Only applies for named style.
update() : void;
Checks whether the specified properties of the style have been modified. Used for style of ConditionalFormattings to check whether the specified properties of this style should be used when applying the ConditionalFormattings on a cell.
isModified(modifyFlag: StyleModifyFlag) : boolean;
Parameter | Type | Description |
modifyFlag | StyleModifyFlag | Style modified flags |
true if the specified properties have been modified
Determines whether two Style instances are equal.
equals(obj: object) : boolean;
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | object | The Style object to compare with the current Style object. |
true if the specified Object is equal to the current Object; otherwise, false.
Serves as a hash function for a Style object.
getHashCode() : number;
A hash code for the current Object.
This method is only for internal use.
setBorder(BorderType, CellBorderType, Color)
Sets the borders of the style.
setBorder(borderType: BorderType, borderStyle: CellBorderType, borderColor: Color) : boolean;
Parameter | Type | Description |
borderType | BorderType | The border(s) to be set, can be combination of BorderType. |
borderStyle | CellBorderType | The style of the border. |
borderColor | Color | The color of the border. |
Whether current border settings have been changed.
setBorder(BorderType, CellBorderType, CellsColor)
Sets the borders of the style.
setBorder(borderType: BorderType, borderStyle: CellBorderType, borderColor: CellsColor) : boolean;
Parameter | Type | Description |
borderType | BorderType | The border(s) to be set, can be combination of BorderType. |
borderStyle | CellBorderType | The style of the border. |
borderColor | CellsColor | The color of the border. |
Whether current border settings have been changed.
setCustom(string, boolean)
Sets the Custom number format string of a cell.
setCustom(custom: string, builtinPreference: boolean) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
custom | string | Custom number format string, should be InvariantCulture pattern. |
builtinPreference | boolean | If given Custom number format string matches one of the built-in number formats /// corresponding to current regional settings, whether set the number format as built-in instead of Custom. |
setTwoColorGradient(Color, Color, GradientStyleType, number)
Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient.
setTwoColorGradient(color1: Color, color2: Color, gradientStyleType: GradientStyleType, variant: number) : void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
color1 | Color | One gradient color. |
color2 | Color | Two gradient color. |
gradientStyleType | GradientStyleType | Gradient shading style. |
variant | number | The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2. |
Get the two-color gradient setting.
getTwoColorGradientSetting() : TwoColorGradient;
Convert Style to JSON struct data.
toJson() : string;
Checks whether the implementation object is null.
isNull() : boolean;