Aspose::Font::TtfTables::TtfMaxpTable class

TtfMaxpTable class

Represents “maxp” table of the TTF Font file.

class TtfMaxpTable : public Aspose::Font::TtfTables::TtfTableBase


get_MaxComponentContours() constGets uint16 maxComponentContours contours in compound glyph.
get_MaxComponentDepth() constGets uint16 maxComponentDepth levels of recursion, set to 0 if font has only simple glyphs.
get_MaxComponentElements() constGets uint16 maxComponentElements number of glyphs referenced at top level.
get_MaxComponentPoints() constGets uint16 maxComponentPoints points in compound glyph.
get_MaxContours() constGets uint16 maxContours contours in non-compound glyph.
get_MaxFunctionDefs() constGets uint16 maxFunctionDefs number of FDEFs.
get_MaxInstructionDefs() constGets uint16 maxInstructionDefs number of IDEFs.
get_MaxPoints() constGets uint16 maxPoints points in non-compound glyph.
get_MaxSizeOfInstructions() constGets uint16 maxSizeOfInstructions byte count for glyph instructions.
get_MaxStackElements() constGets uint16 maxStackElements maximum stack depth.
get_MaxStorage() constGets uint16 maxStorage number of Storage Area locations.
get_MaxTwilightPoints() constGets uint16 maxTwilightPoints points used in Twilight Zone (Z0).
get_MaxZones() constGets uint16 maxZones set to 2.
get_NumGlyphs() constGets uint16 numGlyphs the number of glyphs in the Font.
get_TableVersion() constGets format version. Use properties MajorNumber and MinorNUmber of object Version16Dot16 in hexademical notation to detect version used.
static get_Tag()Gets table tag.
get_Version() constGets fixed version 0x00010000 if (version 1.0). Deprecated, use TableVersion property instead.

See Also