Aspose::Font::MultiLanguageString class

MultiLanguageString class

Represents multi language string.

class MultiLanguageString : public System::Object


AddLanguageString(System::String, int32_t)Adds string of specific language.
ContainsString(System::String)Returns true if the string is present inside all the language strings.
Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideReturns true if objects are considered equal.
get_IsEmpty()True, if MultiLanguageString don’t have strings of languages.
GetAllLanguageIds()Gets language identifiers for all strings or empty array if no strings are presents.
GetAllStrings()Returns all strings of all languages.
GetEnglishString()Returns english string if found. Otherwise returns first non-english string.
GetHashCode() const overrideGetHashCode implementation.
GetStringForLanguageId(int32_t)Returns string related to language identifier passed, if found. Empty string otherwise.
MultiLanguageString()Creates empty multi language string.

See Also