System::Int32::TryParse method
Int32::TryParse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&, int32_t&) method
static bool System::Int32::TryParse(const String &value, Globalization::NumberStyles styles, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture, int32_t &result)
See Also
- Class String
- Enum NumberStyles
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Class CultureInfo
- Class Int32
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.Font for C++
Int32::TryParse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, const SharedPtr<Globalization::NumberFormatInfo>&, int32_t&) method
static bool System::Int32::TryParse(const String &value, Globalization::NumberStyles styles, const SharedPtr<Globalization::NumberFormatInfo> &nfi, int32_t &result)
See Also
- Class String
- Enum NumberStyles
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Class NumberFormatInfo
- Class Int32
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.Font for C++
Int32::TryParse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&, int32_t&) method
Converts the specified string containing the string representation of a number to the equivalent 32-bit signed integer using the provided formatting information and number style.
static bool System::Int32::TryParse(const String &value, Globalization::NumberStyles styles, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider, int32_t &result)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | const String& | The string to convert. |
styles | Globalization::NumberStyles | A bitwise combination of values of NumberStyles enum that specifies the permitted style of the string representation of a number. |
provider | const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>& | A pointer to an object that contains the string format information. |
result | int32_t& | The reference to a 32-bit signed integer variable where the result of the conversion is put. |
True if the conversion succeeded, otherwise - false.
See Also
- Class String
- Enum NumberStyles
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Class IFormatProvider
- Class Int32
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.Font for C++
Int32::TryParse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, std::nullptr_t, int32_t&) method
static bool System::Int32::TryParse(const String &value, Globalization::NumberStyles styles, std::nullptr_t, int32_t &result)
See Also
- Class String
- Enum NumberStyles
- Class Int32
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.Font for C++
Int32::TryParse(const String&, int32_t&) method
Converts the specified string containing the string representation of a number to the equivalent 32-bit signed integer.
static bool System::Int32::TryParse(const String &value, int32_t &result)
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | const String& | The string to convert. |
result | int32_t& | The reference to a 32-bit signed integer variable where the result of the conversion is put. |
True if the conversion succeeded, otherwise - false.
See Also
- Class String
- Class Int32
- Namespace System
- Library Aspose.Font for C++