System::Globalization::UmAlQuraCalendar class

UmAlQuraCalendar class

Um Al Qura calendar. Not implemented. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class UmAlQuraCalendar : public System::Globalization::Calendar


Clone() overrideRTTI information.
get_AlgorithmType() const overrideGets algorithm type.
get_Eras() const overrideGets list of eras existing in calendar.
get_MaxSupportedDateTime() const overrideMaximal point in time that is supported by the calendar.
get_MinSupportedDateTime() const overrideMinimal point in time that is supported by the calendar.
GetDayOfWeek(DateTime) const overrideGets day of week for the specified time point.
GetLeapMonth(int, int) const overrideGets the leap month for the specified year.
virtual GetLeapMonth(int) constRTTI information.
IsLeapDay(int, int, int, int) const overrideChecks if the day is leap.
virtual IsLeapDay(int, int, int) constChecks if the day is leap.
IsLeapMonth(int, int, int) const overrideChecks if the month is leap.
virtual IsLeapMonth(int, int) constChecks if the month is leap.
IsLeapYear(int, int) const overrideChecks if the year is leap.
virtual IsLeapYear(int) constChecks if the year is leap.
set_TwoDigitYearMax(int) overrideSets the last year that can be represented by a 2-digit.


static constexpr UmAlQuraEraCurrent UmAlQura era.

See Also