System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509Certificate2 class
X509Certificate2 class
Represents X509 certificate. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
class X509Certificate2 : public System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509Certificate
Method | Description |
get_Archived() const | Gets a value indicating that certificate is archived. |
get_Extensions() const | Gets collection of extension objects associated with certificate. |
get_FriendlyName() const | Gets the certificate’s friendly name. |
get_HasPrivateKey() const | Checks whether the certificate has private key. |
get_IssuerName() const | Gets the name of party that issued a certificate. |
get_NotAfter() const | Gets the local date and time after which a certificate is no longer valid. |
get_NotBefore() const | Gets the local date and time on which a certificate becomes valid. |
get_PrivateKey() const | Gets private key associated with certificate. |
get_PublicKey() const | Gets a sertificate PublicKey object. |
get_RawData() const | Gets certificate raw data. |
get_SerialNumber() const | Gets the serial number of a certificate. |
get_SignatureAlgorithm() const | Gets algorithm used to create signature of a certificate. |
get_SubjectName() const | Gets the subject name from a certificate. |
get_Thumbprint() const | Gets the certificate thumbprint. |
get_Version() const | Gets certificate format version. |
static GetCertContentType(const ByteArrayPtr&) | Gets the type of certificate contained in the specified byte array. |
static GetCertContentType(const String&) | Gets the type of certificate contained in the specified file. |
GetDSAPrivateKey() const | Gets RSA private key;. |
GetDSAPublicKey() const | Gets RSA public key. |
GetECDsaPrivateKey() const | Gets RSA private key;. |
GetECDsaPublicKey() const | Gets RSA public key. |
GetNameInfo(X509NameType, bool) const | Gets subject or issuer name from certificate. |
GetRSAPrivateKey() const | Gets RSA private key;. |
GetRSAPublicKey() const | Gets RSA public key. |
Import(const String&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) override | Imports information from the specified certificate file. |
Import(const String&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) override | Imports information from the specified certificate file. |
Import(const ByteArrayPtr&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) override | Imports information from the specified certificate data. |
Import(const ByteArrayPtr&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) override | Imports information from the specified certificate data. |
Import(const String&) override | Imports information from the specified certificate file. |
Import(const ByteArrayPtr&) override | Imports information from the specified certificate data. |
Reset() override | Resets the certificate state. |
set_Archived(bool) const | Sets a value indicating that certificate is archived. |
set_FriendlyName(const String&) | Sets the certificate’s friendly name. |
set_PrivateKey(const SharedPtr<AsymmetricAlgorithm>&) | Sets or clears private key associated with certificate. |
ToString(bool) const override | Returns the certificate information in text format. |
ToString() const override | Returns the certificate information in text format. |
Verify() const | Verifies certificate chain. |
X509Certificate2() | Constructs empty X509Certificate2. |
X509Certificate2(const String&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const SharedPtr<X509Certificate>&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const String&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const SecureStringPtr&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const String&, const String&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const String&, const SecureStringPtr&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const String&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const String&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const ByteArrayPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |
See Also
- Class X509Certificate
- Namespace System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++