System::Xml::Schema::XmlSchemaType class
XmlSchemaType class
The base class for all simple types and complex types.
class XmlSchemaType : public System::Xml::Schema::XmlSchemaAnnotated
Method | Description |
get_BaseSchemaType() | Returns the post-compilation object type or the built-in XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) data type, simpleType element, or complexType element. This is a post-schema-compilation infoset value. |
get_BaseXmlSchemaType() | Returns the post-compilation value for the base type of this schema type. |
get_Datatype() | Returns the post-compilation value for the data type of the complex type. |
get_DerivedBy() | Returns the post-compilation information on how this element was derived from its base type. |
get_Final() | Returns the final attribute of the type derivation that indicates if further derivations are allowed. |
get_FinalResolved() | Returns the post-compilation interpretation of the XmlSchemaType::get_Final value. |
virtual get_IsMixed() | Returns a value indicating if this type has a mixed content model. This call is only valid in a complex type. |
get_Name() | Returns the name of the type. |
get_QualifiedName() | Returns the qualified name for the type built from the Name attribute of this type. This is a post-schema-compilation value. |
get_TypeCode() | Returns the XmlTypeCode of the type. |
static GetBuiltInComplexType(XmlTypeCode) | Returns an XmlSchemaComplexType that represents the built-in complex type of the complex type specified. |
static GetBuiltInComplexType(const SharedPtr<XmlQualifiedName>&) | Returns an XmlSchemaComplexType that represents the built-in complex type of the complex type specified by qualified name. |
static GetBuiltInSimpleType(const SharedPtr<XmlQualifiedName>&) | Returns an XmlSchemaSimpleType that represents the built-in simple type of the simple type that is specified by the qualified name. |
static GetBuiltInSimpleType(XmlTypeCode) | Returns an XmlSchemaSimpleType that represents the built-in simple type of the specified simple type. |
static IsDerivedFrom(SharedPtr<XmlSchemaType>, const SharedPtr<XmlSchemaType>&, XmlSchemaDerivationMethod) | Returns a value indicating if the derived schema type specified is derived from the base schema type specified. |
set_Final(XmlSchemaDerivationMethod) | Sets the final attribute of the type derivation that indicates if further derivations are allowed. |
virtual set_IsMixed(bool) | Sets a value indicating if this type has a mixed content model. This call is only valid in a complex type. |
set_Name(const String&) | Sets the name of the type. |
XmlSchemaType() | Initializes a new instance of the XmlSchemaType class. |
Typedef | Description |
Ptr | An alias for shared pointer to an instance of this class. |
Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instances of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
See Also
- Class XmlSchemaAnnotated
- Namespace System::Xml::Schema
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++