System::Collections::Generic::SortedDictionary class

SortedDictionary class

Sorted dictionary type forward declaration.

template<typename TKey,typename TValue>class SortedDictionary : public System::Collections::Generic::BaseDictionary<std::map<TKey, TValue, ComparerAdapter<BasePointerType<TKey>::type>, ASPOSE_MAP_ALLOCATOR_TYPE(TKey, TValue)>>
TKeyKey type.
TValueValue type.

Nested classes


crbegin() constGets a reverse iterator to the last const-qualified element of collection (first in reverse).
crend() constGets a reverse iterator for a non-existent const-qualified element before the start of the collection.
get_Comparer() constGets the IComparer used to order the elements of the SortedDictionary<TKey,TValue>.
static GetDefaultKeyComparer()Singleton accessor function.
GetEnumerator() overrideGets enumerator to iterate through current dictionary.
rbegin()Gets a reverse iterator to the last element of collection (first in reverse).
rbegin() constGets a reverse iterator to the last element of the const-qualified collection (first in reverse).
rend()Gets a reverse iterator for a non-existent element before the start of the collection.
rend() constGets a reverse iterator for a non-existent element before the start of the const-qualified collection.
SortedDictionary()Constructs empty dictionary.
SortedDictionary(const SharedPtr<IComparer<typename BasePointerType<TKey>::type>>&)Constructs empty dictionary.
SortedDictionary(const SharedPtr<IDictionary<TKey, TValue>>&)Copy constructor.
SortedDictionary(const SharedPtr<IDictionary<TKey, TValue>>&, const SharedPtr<IComparer<typename BasePointerType<TKey>::type>>&)Copy constructor.


const_iteratorConst iterator type.
const_reverse_iteratorConst reverse iterator type.
IEnumerablePtrCollection of same elements.
IEnumeratorPtrEnumerator type.
iteratorIterator type.
KeyCollectionKey collection type.
KVPairKey-value pair type.
map_tUnderlying data type.
PtrPointer type.
reverse_iteratorReverse iterator type.
this_tSelf type.
ValueCollectionValue collection type.


Sorted dictionary class wrapping STL map. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

See Also