System::Drawing::Drawing2D::GraphicsPath class

GraphicsPath class

Represents a set of connected lines and curves. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class GraphicsPath : public System::Object


AddArc(float, float, float, float, float, float)Adds the specified elliptical arc to the path represented by the current object.
AddArc(int, int, int, int, float, float)Adds the specified elliptical arc to the path represented by the current object.
AddArc(const RectangleF&, float, float)Adds the specified elliptical arc to the path represented by the current object.
AddArc(const Rectangle&, float, float)Adds the specified elliptical arc to the path represented by the current object.
AddBezier(const Point&, const Point&, const Point&, const Point&)Adds the specified cubic Bezier curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddBezier(const PointF&, const PointF&, const PointF&, const PointF&)Adds the specified cubic Bezier curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddBezier(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)Adds the specified cubic Bezier curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddBezier(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)Adds the specified cubic Bezier curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddBeziers(const ArrayPtr<Point>&)Adds a sequence of connected cubic Bezier curves to the current figure.
AddBeziers(const ArrayPtr<PointF>&)Adds a sequence of connected cubic Bezier curves to the current figure.
AddClosedCurve(const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, float)Adds the specified closed curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddClosedCurve(const ArrayPtr<Point>&, float)Adds the specified closed curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddCurve(const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, float)Adds the specified curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddCurve(const ArrayPtr<Point>&, float)Adds the specified curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddCurve(const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, int, int, float)Adds the specified curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddCurve(const ArrayPtr<Point>&, int, int, float)Adds the specified curve to the path represented by the current object.
AddEllipse(float, float, float, float)Adds the specified ellipse to the path represented by the current object.
AddEllipse(int, int, int, int)Adds the specified ellipse to the path represented by the current object.
AddEllipse(const RectangleF&)Adds the specified ellipse to the path represented by the current object.
AddEllipse(const Rectangle&)Adds the specified ellipse to the path represented by the current object.
AddLine(const Point&, const Point&)Adds the specified line to the path represented by the current object.
AddLine(const PointF&, const PointF&)Adds the specified line to the path represented by the current object.
AddLine(int, int, int, int)Adds the specified line to the path represented by the current object.
AddLine(float, float, float, float)Adds the specified line to the path represented by the current object.
AddLines(const ArrayPtr<PointF>&)Adds the specified series of connected line segments to the path represented by the current object.
AddLines(const ArrayPtr<Point>&)Adds the specified series of connected line segments to the path represented by the current object.
AddPath(const SharedPtr<GraphicsPath>&, bool)Adds the specified path to the path represented by the current object.
AddPie(float, float, float, float, float, float)Adds the specified outline of the pie shape to the path represented by the current object.
AddPie(int, int, int, int, float, float)Adds the specified outline of the pie shape to the path represented by the current object.
AddPie(const Rectangle&, float, float)Adds the specified outline of the pie shape to the path represented by the current object.
AddPolygon(const ArrayPtr<PointF>&)Adds the specified polygon to the path represented by the current object.
AddPolygon(const ArrayPtr<Point>&)Adds the specified polygon to the path represented by the current object.
AddRectangle(const Rectangle&)Adds the specified rectangle to the path represented by the current object.
AddRectangle(const RectangleF&)Adds the specified rectangle to the path represented by the current object.
AddRectangles(const ArrayPtr<Rectangle>&)Adds the specified series of rectangles to the path represented by the current object.
AddRectangles(const ArrayPtr<RectangleF>&)Adds the specified series of rectangles to the path represented by the current object.
AddString(const String&, const SharedPtr<FontFamily>&, int, float, Point, const SharedPtr<StringFormat>&)Adds a string of text to the path represented by the current object.
AddString(const String&, const SharedPtr<FontFamily>&, int, float, PointF, const SharedPtr<StringFormat>&)Adds a string of text to the path represented by the current object.
AddString(const String&, const SharedPtr<FontFamily>&, int, float, Rectangle, const SharedPtr<StringFormat>&)Adds a string of text to the path represented by the current object.
AddString(const String&, const SharedPtr<FontFamily>&, int, float, RectangleF, const SharedPtr<StringFormat>&)Adds a string of text to the path represented by the current object.
virtual Clone()Creates a copy of the current object.
CloseAllFigures()Closes all open figures and starts a new one.
CloseFigure()Closes the current figure and starts a new one.
Dispose()Releases all operating system resources acquired by the current object.
Flatten()Flattens each curve in the path by converting them into a series of connected lines. The flatness value of 0.25 is used.
Flatten(const MatrixPtr&)Flattens each curve in the path by converting them into a series of connected lines. The flatness value of 0.25 is used.
Flatten(const MatrixPtr&, float)Flattens each curve in the path by converting them into a series of connected lines.
get_FillMode()Returns the fill mode of the current object.
get_PathData()Returns a PathData object containing the points that make up a path represented by the current object and their types.
get_PathPoints() constReturns an array that contains points that make up a path represented by the current object.
get_PathTypes() constReturns an array that contains values that indicate the types of the points that make up a path represented by the current object.
get_PointCount() constReturns the number of points in the path represented by the current object.
GetBounds(const MatrixPtr&, const SharedPtr<Pen>&) constReturns a RectangleF object that represents a rectangle that bounds the path represented by the current object when it is transformed with the specified matrix.
GetFigureFlags()Returns a value which is a bitwise combination of Detail::FigureType values that indicates what types of figures are contained within the path represented by the current object.
GetLastPoint() constReturns a PointF object representing the last point in the path.
GraphicsPath(FillMode)Constructs a new instance of GraphicsPath class with the specified fill mode.
GraphicsPath(const ArrayPtr<Point>&, const ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&, FillMode)Constructs a new instance of GraphicsPath object that represents the specified path.
GraphicsPath(const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, const ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&, FillMode)Constructs a new instance of GraphicsPath object that represents the specified path.
GraphicsPath(const SkPath&)
IsOutlineVisible(const PointF&, const SharedPtr<Pen>&)Indicates whether the specified point is contained within (under) the outline of this GraphicsPath when drawn with the specified Pen. NOT EMPLEMENTED.
IsVisible(const PointF&)Determines if the specified point is contained within the path represented by the current object.
IsVisible(float, float)Determines if the specified point is contained within the path represented by the current object.
Reset()Empties the path by removing all points from it.
Reverse()Reverses the order of points in the PathPoints array of this GraphicsPath.
set_FillMode(FillMode)Sets the fill mode of the current object.
StartFigure()Starts a new figure.
Transform(const MatrixPtr&)Transforms the path represented by the current object by applying the specified transform matrix to it.
Transform(const SkMatrix&)
Widen(const SharedPtr<Pen>&)Replaces this path with an outline around the original path.

See Also