System::Net::Sockets::TcpClient::Connect method
]TcpClient::Connect(String, int32_t) method
Establishes a connection to the specified remote host.
void System::Net::Sockets::TcpClient::Connect(String hostname, int32_t port)
Parameter | Type | Description |
hostname | String | A remote host name to connect. |
port | int32_t | A port of the remote host to connect. |
See Also
- Class String
- Class TcpClient
- Namespace System::Net::Sockets
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++
TcpClient::Connect(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>>, int32_t) method
Establishes a connection to the specified remote host.
void System::Net::Sockets::TcpClient::Connect(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>> ipAddresses, int32_t port)
Parameter | Type | Description |
ipAddresses | System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>> | The IP addresses of a remote host. |
port | int32_t | A port of the remote host to connect. |
See Also
- Typedef ArrayPtr
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Class IPAddress
- Class TcpClient
- Namespace System::Net::Sockets
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++
TcpClient::Connect(System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>, int32_t) method
Establishes a connection to the specified remote host.
void System::Net::Sockets::TcpClient::Connect(System::SharedPtr<IPAddress> address, int32_t port)
Parameter | Type | Description |
address | System::SharedPtr<IPAddress> | The IP address of a remote host. |
port | int32_t | A port of the remote host to connect. |
See Also
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Class IPAddress
- Class TcpClient
- Namespace System::Net::Sockets
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++
TcpClient::Connect(System::SharedPtr<IPEndPoint>) method
Establishes a connection to the specified remote host.
void System::Net::Sockets::TcpClient::Connect(System::SharedPtr<IPEndPoint> remoteEP)
Parameter | Type | Description |
remoteEP | System::SharedPtr<IPEndPoint> | A remote host to connect. |
See Also
- Typedef SharedPtr
- Class IPEndPoint
- Class TcpClient
- Namespace System::Net::Sockets
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++