System::Version class

Version class

Represents a version number. This type should be allocated on stack and passed to functions by value or by reference. Never use System::SmartPtr class to manage objects of this type.

class Version


CompareTo(const Version&) constCompares the versions represented by the current object and the specified object.
Equals(const Version&) constDetermines if the version numbers represented by the current and the specified objects are equal.
get_Build() constReturns the build number.
get_Major() constReturns the major version.
get_MajorRevision() constReturns the high 16-bit value of the revision number.
get_Minor() constReturns the minor version.
get_MinorRevision() constReturns the low 16-bit value of the revision number.
get_Revision() constReturns the revision number.
GetHashCode() constReturns a hash code for the current object.
static Parse(const String&)Converts the string representation of a version number into equivalent instance of Version class.
ToString() constReturns the string representation of the version number represented by the current object.
ToString(int) constReturns the string representation of the specified number of sections of version number represented by the current object.
Version(int, int, int, int)Constructs an instance that represent the specified major, minor, build and revsion values.
Version(int, int, int)Constructs an instance that represent the specified major, minor and build values.
Version(int, int)Constructs an instance that represent the specified major and values.
Version(const String&)Constructs an instance that represent the version number represented as a string.
Version()Constructs an instance that represents version number 0.0.-1.-1.

See Also