Aspose.PDF for Python via C++

Aspose.PDF for Python via C++ allows developers manipulate them PDF files

Core Functions

close_handleClose handle
document_createInitializes empty document.
document_decryptDecrypts the document. Call then Save to obtain decrypted version of the document.
document_encryptEncrypts the document. Call then Save to get encrypted version of the document.
document_export_annotations_to_xfdfExports all document annotations to XFDF file
document_get_pagesGets collection of document pages.
document_openOpen PDF document.
document_open_encryptedInitialize new Document instance from the filename stream.
document_optimizeLinearize document
document_saveSaves document into the specified file.
document_save_xmlSave document to XML.
document_set_titleSet Title for Pdf Document.
extractor_bind_pdfBind input PDF file.
extractor_createConstruct extractor object for extracting images and text from PDF document.
extractor_extract_textExtracts text from a Pdf document using Unicode encoding.
image_createConstruct image representation.
image_get_fileGets the image file.
image_get_file_typeGets the image file type.
image_get_fix_heightGets the image height.
image_get_fix_widthGets the image width.
image_set_fileSet the image file.
image_set_file_typeSet the image file type.
image_set_fix_heightSets the image height.
image_set_fix_widthSets the image width.
image_stamp_createCreates image stamp by image in the specified file.
image_stamp_get_backgroundGet a bool value that indicates the content is stamped as background.
image_stamp_get_heightDesired height of the stamp on the page.
image_stamp_get_opacityGet a value to indicate the stamp opacity. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0.
image_stamp_get_rotateGet the rotation of stamp content according Rotation values.
image_stamp_get_widthDesired width of the stamp on the page.
image_stamp_get_x_indentHorizontal stamp coordinate, starting from the left.
image_stamp_get_y_indentVertical stamp coordinate, starting from the bottom.
image_stamp_set_backgroundSet a bool value that indicates the content is stamped as background.
image_stamp_set_heightSet desired height of the stamp on the page.
image_stamp_set_opacitySet a value to indicate the stamp opacity. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0.
image_stamp_set_rotateSet the rotation of stamp content according Rotation values.
image_stamp_set_widthSet desired width of the stamp on the page.
image_stamp_set_x_indentSet horizontal stamp coordinate, starting from the left.
image_stamp_set_y_indentVertical stamp coordinate, starting from the bottom.
jpeg_device_create_from_width_height_resolutionInitializes a new instance of the with provided image dimensions, resolution and maximum quality.
jpeg_device_save_page_to_fileConverts the page into jpeg and saves it in the file.
license_createProvides methods to license the component.
license_setLicenses the component.
page_add_image_stampPut image stamp into page.
page_collection_add_pageAdds empty page.
page_collection_add_pagesAdds to collection all pages from ‘pages_handle’.
page_collection_copy_pageAdds page to collection.
page_collection_countGets count of pages.
page_collection_get_pageGets page by index.
page_color_typeSets color type of the pages based on information getting from operators SetColor, images and forms.
page_get_numberGet number of the page.
page_get_paragraphsGets the paragraphs.
page_get_rectangleGets rectangle of the page.
page_get_rotateGet rotation of the page.
page_set_paragraphsSets the paragraphs.
page_set_rectangleSets rectangle of the page.
page_set_rotateSet rotation of the page.
paragraphs_add_imageAdd image to collection.
paragraphs_createConstruct paragraph collection.
png_device_createInitializes a new instance of the png device with default resolution.
png_device_create_from_resolutionInitializes a new instance of the png device.
png_device_create_from_width_height_resolutionInitializes a new instance of the png device with provided image dimensions and resolution.
png_device_save_page_to_fileConverts the page into png and saves it in the file.
rectangle_createCreate Rectangle.
resolution_createInitializes a new instance of resolution.
resolution_create_xyInitializes a new instance of resolution.
stamp_bind_imageSets image as a stamp.
stamp_createConstruct Stamp object.
stamp_get_rotationGets rotation of the stamp in degrees.
stamp_set_image_sizeImage will be scaled according to the specified values.
stamp_set_rotationSets rotation of the stamp in degrees.