Aspose::TeX::Plugins namespace


FigureRendererPluginThe Figure Renderer plugin class.
FigureRendererPluginOptionsThe options for the FigureRendererPlugin.
FigureRendererPluginResultThe Figure Renderer plugin’s common result.
IDataSourceThe general data source interface.
IInputDataContainerThe general input data container interface.
IOperationResultThe general operation result interface.
IOutputDataContainerThe general output data container interface.
IPluginThe general plugin interface.
IPluginOptionsThe general plugin options interface.
MathRendererPluginMathRenderer plugin class.
MathRendererPluginOptionsThe options for the MathRendererPlugin.
MathRendererPluginResultThe Math Renderer plugin’s common result.
PngFigureRendererPluginOptionsThe Figure Renderer plugin’s options to render a LaTeX figure in PNG.
PngMathRendererPluginOptionsThe Math Renderer plugin’s options to render a math formula in PNG.
ResultContainerThe plugin execution result container.
StreamDataSourceThe stream data source for plugin’s load and save operations.
StringDataSourceThe string data source for plugin’s load operations.
SvgFigureRendererPluginOptionsThe Figure Renderer plugin’s options to render a LaTeX figure in SVG.
SvgMathRendererPluginOptionsThe Math Renderer plugin’s options to render a math formula in SVG.


DataTypeEnumerates available data types for plugins I/O.