Aspose::TeX::Presentation::Image::ImageSaveOptions class

ImageSaveOptions class

Basic class representing options of saving to raster images.

class ImageSaveOptions : public Aspose::TeX::Presentation::SaveOptions


get_DeviceWritesImages() constGets/sets the flag that determines whether the image device will write output images. Set it to false if you are planning to write images using image device’s Result property.
get_InterpolationMode() constGets/sets the interpolation mode.
get_Resolution() constGets/sets the array of numbers of pages to convert.
get_SmoothingMode() constGets/sets the smoothing mode.
ImageSaveOptions()Creates new instance of options.
set_DeviceWritesImages(bool)Gets/sets the flag that determines whether the image device will write output images. Set it to false if you are planning to write images using image device’s Result property.
set_InterpolationMode(System::Drawing::Drawing2D::InterpolationMode)Gets/sets the interpolation mode.
set_Resolution(float)Gets/sets the array of numbers of pages to convert.
set_SmoothingMode(System::Drawing::Drawing2D::SmoothingMode)Gets/sets the smoothing mode.

See Also