Aspose::TeX::Presentation::SaveOptions class

SaveOptions class

Basic class for document saving options.

class SaveOptions : public System::Object


get_RasterizeFormulas() constGets/sets the flag that allows to rasterize math formulas.
get_RasterizeIncludedGraphics() constGets/sets the flag that allows to rasterize PS/EPS and/or XPS/OXPS included graphics.
get_SubsetFonts() constGets/sets the flag indicating whether to subset fonts in output file or not.
set_RasterizeFormulas(bool)Gets/sets the flag that allows to rasterize math formulas.
set_RasterizeIncludedGraphics(bool)Gets/sets the flag that allows to rasterize PS/EPS and/or XPS/OXPS included graphics.
set_SubsetFonts(bool)Gets/sets the flag indicating whether to subset fonts in output file or not.

See Also