System::Collections::Specialized::NameValueCollection class

NameValueCollection class

Collection of associated String keys and String values that can be accessed either with the key or with the index.

class NameValueCollection : public System::Collections::Generic::ICollection<System::String>


Add(const String&) overrideOverride ICollection method - not implemented.
Add(const System::SharedPtr<NameValueCollection>&)Copies the entries in the specified NameValueCollection to the current.
virtual Add(const String&, const String&)Adds an entry with the specified name and value.
Clear() overrideDeletes all elements.
Contains(const String&) const overrideChecks if item is present in collection.
CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr<String>, int32_t) overrideCopies collection elements into existing array elements.
virtual Get(const String&)Gets the values associated with the specified key.
virtual get_AllKeys()Gets all the keys.
get_Count() const overrideGets the number of key/value pairs.
virtual get_Keys()Gets all the keys.
GetEnumerator() overrideGets enumerator to iterate through collection.
virtual GetValues(const String&)Gets the values associated with the specified key.
HasKeys()Gets a value indicating whether the NameValueCollection contains keys that are not null.
idx_get(const String&)Gets value at specified index.
idx_set(const String&, const String&)Sets value of an entry.
NameValueCollection()Initializes a new instance of the NameValueCollection class that is empty.
NameValueCollection(const System::SharedPtr<NameValueCollection>&)Copies the entries from the specified NameValueCollection to a new NameValueCollection.
Remove(const String&) overrideRemoves specific item.
virtual Set(const String&, const String&)Sets the value of an entry.
virtualizeBeginConstIterator() const overrideGets the implementation of begin const iterator for the current container.
virtualizeBeginIterator() overrideGets the implementation of begin iterator for the current container.
virtualizeEndConstIterator() const overrideGets the implementation of end const iterator for the current container.
virtualizeEndIterator() overrideGets the implementation of end iterator for the current container.

See Also