static Add(const Decimal&, const Decimal&) | Adds two specified Decimal values. |
static Ceiling(const Decimal&) | Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified value. |
static Compare(const Decimal&, const Decimal&) | Determines if the value represented by the first Decimal object is less than, equal to or greater than the value represented by the second Decimal object. |
CompareTo(const Decimal&) const | Determines if the value represented by the current object is less than, equal to or greater than the value represented by the specified object. |
Decimal() | Constructs an instance that represents 0. |
Decimal(std::int8_t) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
Decimal(std::int16_t) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
Decimal(std::int32_t) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
Decimal(std::int64_t) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
Decimal(std::uint8_t) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
Decimal(std::uint16_t) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
Decimal(std::uint32_t) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
Decimal(std::uint64_t) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
Decimal(float) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
Decimal(double) | Constructs an instance that represents the specified value. |
explicit Decimal(const std::string&) | Constructs an instance that represents a value whose string representation is specified as an instance of std::string class. |
Decimal(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, bool, uint8_t) | Constructs a Decimal object from the specified from the specified components. |
Decimal(const Decimal&) | Constructs an instance of Decimal class that represents the same number as the specified Decimal object. |
Decimal(const ArrayPtr<int32_t>&) | Constructs an instance of Decimal class from integer array containing a binary representation. |
Decimal(std::nullptr_t) | Always throws ArgumentNullException. |
Decimal(const number_type&) | Constructs an instance of Decimal class representing the specified value. |
static Divide(const Decimal&, const Decimal&) | Divides two specified Decimal values. |
Equals(const Decimal&) const | Determines if the values represented by the current object and the specified object are equal. |
Equals(const SharedPtr<Object>&) const | Determines if the values represented by the current object and the specified object are equal. |
static Equals(const Decimal&, const Decimal&) | Determines if the values represented by the specified objects are equal. |
static Floor(const Decimal&) | Returns the largest integral value that is less than or equal to the specified value. |
static FromOACurrency(int64_t) | Convert the specified OLE currency value to the equivalent Decimal value. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
static GetBits(const Decimal&) | Converts the specified Decimal object into the binary representation of the value it represents. |
static GetBytes(const Decimal&, const System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&) | Convert the specified Decimal value to an array of bytes. |
GetHashCode() const | Returns a hash code for the current object. |
GetTypeCode() const | Gets object type code. |
static Multiply(const Decimal&, const Decimal&) | Multiplies two specified Decimal values. |
static Negate(const Decimal&) | Returns a new instance of Decimal class that represents a value that results from negation of the value represented by the specified object. |
explicit operator bool() const | Converts the value represented by the current object to a boolean value. |
explicit operator double() const | Converts the value represented by the current object to double-precision floating-point value. |
explicit operator float() const | Converts the value represented by the current object to single-precision floating-point value. |
operator!=(const Decimal&) const | Determines if the values represented by the current object and the specified object are not equal. |
operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const | Determines if the value represented by the current object is different from 0. |
operator%(const Decimal&) const | Returns a new instance of Decimal class that represents a value that is a result of modulo operation with the values represented by the current and the specified objects. |
operator%=(const Decimal&) | Assigns to the current object a new value that is the result of modulo operation with the values represented by the current and the specified objects. |
operator*(const Decimal&) const | Returns a new instance of Decimal class that represents a value that is a result of multiplication of values represented by the current and specified objects. |
operator*=(const Decimal&) | Assigns to the current object a new value that is the result of multiplication of values represented by the current and specified objects. |
operator+(const Decimal&) const | Returns a new instance of Decimal class that represents a value that is a sum of values represented by the current and specified objects. |
operator++() | Increments the value represented by the current object. |
operator+=(const Decimal&) | Assigns to the current object a new value that is a sum of values represented by the current and specified objects. |
operator-(const Decimal&) const | Returns a new instance of Decimal class that represents a value that is the result of subtraction of the value represented by the specified object from the value represented by the current object. |
operator-() const | Returns a new instance of Decimal class that represents a value that results from negation of the value represented by the current object. |
operator–() | Decrements the value represented by the current object. |
operator-=(const Decimal&) | Assigns to the current object a new value that is the result of subtraction of the value represented by the specified object from the value represented by the current object. |
operator/(const Decimal&) const | Returns a new instance of Decimal class that represents a value that is a result of division of the value represented by the current object by the value represented by the specified object. |
operator/=(const Decimal&) | Assigns to the current object a new value that is the result of division of the value represented by the current object by the value represented by the specified object. |
operator<(const Decimal&) const | Determines if the value represented by the current object is less than the value represented by the specified object. |
operator<=(const Decimal&) const | Determines if the value represented by the current object is less than or equal to the value represented by the specified object. |
operator=(const Decimal&) | Assigns the value represented by the specified object to the current object. |
operator==(const Decimal&) const | Determines if the values represented by the current object and the specified object are equal. |
operator==(std::nullptr_t) const | Determines if the value represented by the current object is 0. |
operator>(const Decimal&) const | Determines if the value represented by the current object is greater than the value represented by the specified object. |
operator>=(const Decimal&) const | Determines if the value represented by the current object is greater than or equal to the value represented by the specified object. |
static Parse(const String&) | Converts the string representation of a decimal number into an equivalent instance of Decimal class. |
static Parse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles) | Converts the string representation of a decimal number into an equivalent instance of Decimal class using the specified style. |
static Parse(const String&, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) | Converts the string representation of a decimal number into an equivalent instance of Decimal class using the specified format provider. |
static Parse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) | Converts the string representation of a decimal number into an equivalent instance of Decimal class using the specified style and format provider. |
static Remainder(const Decimal&, const Decimal&) | Computes the remainder after dividing two Decimal values. |
static Round(const Decimal&, MidpointRounding) | Rounds the specified value to the nearest integral number. A parameter specifies the function’s behavior if the specified value is equally close to two nearest numbers. |
static Round(const Decimal&, int, MidpointRounding) | Rounds the specified value to the nearest value with the specified number of fractional digits. A parameter specifies the function’s behavior if the specified value is equally close to two nearest numbers. |
static Subtract(const Decimal&, const Decimal&) | Subtracts one specified Decimal value from another. |
static ToByte(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to unsigned 8-bit integer value. |
static ToDouble(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to double precision floating-point number. |
static ToInt16(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to signed 16-bit integer value. |
static ToInt32(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to signed 32-bit integer value. |
static ToInt64(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to signed 64-bit integer value. |
static ToOACurrency(const Decimal&) | Convert the specified Decimal value to the equivalent OLE currency value. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
static ToSByte(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to signed 8-bit integer value. |
static ToSingle(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to single precision floating-point number. |
ToStdString() const | Returns an instance of std::string that contains the string representation of the value represented by the object. |
ToString() const | Returns the string representation of the value represented by the object. |
ToString(const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) const | Converts current object to string using the culture-specific format information. |
ToString(const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&) const | |
ToString(const SharedPtr<Globalization::NumberFormatInfo>&) const | |
ToString(const Decimal&, std::nullptr_t) const | |
ToString(const String&, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) const | Converts current object to its string representation using the specified string format and culture-specific format information provided by the specified IFormatProvider object. |
ToString(const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&) const | |
ToString(const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::NumberFormatInfo>&) const | |
ToString(const String&, std::nullptr_t) const | |
ToStringInternal() const | Returns the string representation of the value represented by the object. For internal use. |
static ToUInt16(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to unsigned 16-bit integer value. |
static ToUInt32(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to unsigned 32-bit integer value. |
static ToUInt64(Decimal) | Converts the Decimal value to unsigned 64-bit integer value. |
static Truncate(const Decimal&) | Returns the Decimal object representing a value that has integral part equal to that of the value represented by the specified Decimal object of the with all fractional digits discarded. |
static TryParse(const String&, Decimal&) | Converts the specified string containing the string representation of a number to the equivalent Decimal value. |
static TryParse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&, Decimal&) | Converts the specified string containing the string representation of a number to the equivalent Decimal value using the provided formatting information and number style. |
static Type() | Returns a reference to the TypeInfo object representing the Decimal class’ type information. |
~Decimal() | Destructor. |