System::Security::Cryptography::ECDsaBotan class

ECDsaBotan class

ECDsa algorithm in Botan form. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class ECDsaBotan : public System::Security::Cryptography::ECDsa


ECDsaBotan()Constructor. Uses default parameters.
ECDsaBotan(const ECParameters&)Constructor.
ECDsaBotan(const ECCurve&)Constructor.
ECDsaBotan(const Botan::ECDSA_PublicKey&)Constructor.
ECDsaBotan(const Botan::ECDSA_PrivateKey&)Constructor.
ExportExplicitParameters(bool) overrideExports explicit parameters.
ExportParameters(bool) overrideExports named or explicit parameters.
FromXmlString(String) overrideInitializes object using XML-encoded parameters. Not implemented.
FromXmlString(const String&, ECKeyXmlFormat)Initializes object using XML-encoded parameters. Not implemented.
GenerateKey(const ECCurve&) overrideGenerates a new public/private key pair for the specified curve.
get_HashAlgorithm() constGets hash algortihm.
HashData(ByteArrayPtr, int32_t, int32_t, HashAlgorithmName) overrideComputes the hash value of the specified data array using the specified hash algorithm.
HashData(StreamPtr, HashAlgorithmName) overrideComputes the hash value of the specified binary stream using the specified hash algorithm.
ImportParameters(const ECParameters&) overrideImports all parameters from data structure.
set_HashAlgorithm(const HashAlgorithmName&)Sets hash algortihm.
set_KeySize(int32_t) overrideSets key size.
SignData(const ByteArrayPtr&)Computes the hash value of the specified data array, and signs the result.
SignData(const ByteArrayPtr&, int32_t, int32_t)Computes the hash value of the specified data array, and signs the result.
SignData(const StreamPtr&)Computes the hash value of the specified binary stream, and signs the result.
virtual SignData(const ByteArrayPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&)RTTI information.
virtual SignData(const ByteArrayPtr&, int32_t, int32_t, const HashAlgorithmName&)RTTI information.
virtual SignData(const StreamPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&)RTTI information.
SignHash(const ByteArrayPtr&) overrideComputes the signature of specified input value.
ToXmlString(bool) overrideExports all parameters in XML format. Not implemented.
ToXmlString(ECKeyXmlFormat)Exports all parameters in XML format.
VerifyData(const ByteArrayPtr&, const ByteArrayPtr&)Verifies that the signature of the specified data is valid.
VerifyData(const ByteArrayPtr&, int32_t, int32_t, const ByteArrayPtr&)Verifies that the signature of the specified data is valid.
VerifyData(const StreamPtr&, const ByteArrayPtr&)Verifies that the signature of the specified binary stream is valid.
VerifyData(const ByteArrayPtr&, const ByteArrayPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&)Verifies that the signature of the specified data is valid.
VerifyData(const ByteArrayPtr&, int32_t, int32_t, const ByteArrayPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&)Verifies that the signature of the specified data is valid.
VerifyData(const StreamPtr&, const ByteArrayPtr&, const HashAlgorithmName&)Verifies that the signature of the specified binary stream is valid.
VerifyHash(ByteArrayPtr, ByteArrayPtr) overrideChecks data signature.

See Also