static CreateFromCertFile(const String&) | Creates sertificate from the specified PKCS7 file. |
static CreateFromSignedFile(const String&) | Creates sertificate from the specified signed file. |
Dispose() override | Does nothing. |
Equals(SharedPtr<Object>) override | Compares two certificates. |
virtual Export(X509ContentType) const | Exports the current object to a byte array using the specified format. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
virtual Export(X509ContentType, const SecureStringPtr&) const | Exports the current object to a byte array using the specified format. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
virtual Export(X509ContentType, const String&) const | Exports the current object to a byte array using the specified format. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
get_Handle() const | Gets a handle to Microsoft Cryptographic API certificate context. |
get_Issuer() const | Gets name of the certificate authority that issued the X.509v3 certificate. |
get_Subject() const | Gets subject distinguished name from certificate. |
virtual GetCertHash() const | Gets hash for the current object as an array of bytes. |
virtual GetCertHash(const HashAlgorithmName&) const | Gets hash for the current object as an array of bytes. |
virtual GetCertHashString() const | Gets SHA1 hash for the current object as a hexadecimal string. |
virtual GetCertHashString(const HashAlgorithmName&) const | Gets SHA1 hash for the current object as a hexadecimal string. |
virtual GetEffectiveDateString() const | Gets effective date of the current sertificate. |
virtual GetExpirationDateString() const | Gets expiration date of the current sertificate. |
virtual GetFormat() const | Gets name of the certificate format. |
GetHashCode() const override | Gets certificate hash code. |
virtual GetIssuerName() const | Gets name of the certification authority that issued the current certificate. |
virtual GetKeyAlgorithm() const | Gets key information for the current certificate as a string. |
virtual GetKeyAlgorithmParameters() const | Gets key information for the current certificate as an array of bytes. |
virtual GetKeyAlgorithmParametersString() const | Gets key information for the current certificate as a hexadecimal string. |
virtual GetName() const | Gets name of the principal to witch the current sertificate was issued. |
virtual GetPublicKey() const | Gets public key from certificate as array of bytes. |
virtual GetPublicKeyString() const | Gets public key from certificate as a hexadecimal string. |
virtual GetRawCertData() const | Gets raw data from certificate as array of bytes. |
virtual GetRawCertDataString() const | Gets raw data from certificate as a hexadecimal string. |
virtual GetSerialNumber() const | Gets serial number from certificate as array of bytes. |
virtual GetSerialNumberString() const | Gets serial number from certificate as a hexadecimal string. |
virtual Import(const String&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Imports information from the specified certificate file. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
virtual Import(const String&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Imports information from the specified certificate file. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
virtual Import(const ByteArrayPtr&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Imports information from the specified certificate data. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
virtual Import(const ByteArrayPtr&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Imports information from the specified certificate data. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
virtual Import(const String&) | Imports information from the specified certificate file. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
virtual Import(const ByteArrayPtr&) | Imports information from the specified certificate data. NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
operator=(const X509Certificate&) | |
virtual Reset() | Resets the certificate state. |
virtual ToString(bool) const | Returns the certificate information in text format. |
ToString() const override | Returns the certificate information in text format. |
X509Certificate(const X509Certificate&) | |
X509Certificate() | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const ByteArrayPtr&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const String&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const SharedPtr<X509Certificate>&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const ByteArrayPtr&, const String&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const ByteArrayPtr&, const SecureStringPtr&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const String&, const String&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const String&, const SecureStringPtr&) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const ByteArrayPtr&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const ByteArrayPtr&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const String&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const String&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |
X509Certificate(const ByteArrayPtr&, const ByteArrayPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) | Constructor. |