System::Collections::IList class

IList class

IList Represents a non-generic collection of objects that can be individually accessed by index.

class IList : public virtual System::Collections::ICollection


virtual Add(SharedPtr<System::Object>)Adds item to the end of list.
virtual Clear()Removes all items from the list.
virtual Contains(SharedPtr<System::Object>) constChecks if the item is in the list.
virtual get_IsFixedSize() constGets a value indicating whether the list has a fixed size.
virtual idx_get(int, int) constRTTI information.
virtual IndexOf(SharedPtr<System::Object>) constGets the first index of the specified item.
virtual Insert(int, SharedPtr<System::Object>)Inserts the item to the list at the specified index.
virtual Remove(SharedPtr<System::Object>)Removes the first instance of the specified item from the list.
virtual RemoveAt(int)Removes the item from the list at the specified index.

See Also