System::Drawing::Drawing2D::CustomLineCap class

CustomLineCap class

Represents a user-defined line cap. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class CustomLineCap : public System::Object


virtual Clone()Returns a copy of the current object.
CustomLineCap(const SharedPtr<GraphicsPath>&, const SharedPtr<GraphicsPath>&, LineCap, float)Constructs a new instance of CustomLineCap class that represents a user-defined line cap with the specified properties.
Dispose()Releases all operating system resources acquired by the current object.
get_BaseCap() constReturns the base line cap from which this custom cap is created.
get_BaseInset() constReturns the distance between the line and the cap.
get_StrokeJoin() constReturns the LineJoin value which determines how lines of this custom cap are joined.
get_WidthScale() constReturns the scale of this custom cap.
GetStrokeCaps(LineCap&, LineCap&)Gets the start and end line caps of the custom cap represented by the current object.
set_BaseCap(LineCap)Sets the base line cap value for this custom cap.
set_BaseInset(float)Sets the distance between the line and the cap.
set_StrokeJoin(LineJoin)Sets the LineJoin value which determines how lines of this custom cap are joined.
set_WidthScale(float)Sets the scale value of this custom cap.
SetStrokeCaps(LineCap, LineCap)Sets the start and end line caps of the custom cap represented by the current object.

See Also