System::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFlags enum

ImageFlags enum

Represents attributes of the pixel data represented by an Image object.

enum class ImageFlags


HasAlpha2Contains alpha information.
HasTranslucent4There are alpha values greater than 0 and less than 255.
ColorSpaceRgb16The pixel data is represented in RGB color space.
ColorSpaceCmyk32The pixel data is represented in CMYK color space.
ColorSpaceGray64The pixel data is grayscale.
ColorSpaceYcbcr128The pixel data is represented in YCBCR color space.
ColorSpaceYcck256The pixel data is represented in YCCK color space.
HasRealDpi4096The DPI information is stored in the image.
HasRealPixelSize8192The size of a pixel is stored in the image.
ReadOnly65536The pixel data is read-only.
Caching131072Can be cached for faster access.

See Also