System::Drawing::Bitmap::LockBits method

Bitmap::LockBits(const Rectangle&, Imaging::ImageLockMode, Imaging::PixelFormat) method

Locks a Bitmap into system memory.

Imaging::BitmapDataPtr System::Drawing::Bitmap::LockBits(const Rectangle &rect, Imaging::ImageLockMode flags, Imaging::PixelFormat format)
rectconst Rectangle&A rectangle that specifies the region of the image to lock
flagsImaging::ImageLockModeSpecifies the access level to the bitmap
formatImaging::PixelFormatThe data format of this bitmap


A shared pointer to a BitmapData object that contains information about the performed lock operation

See Also

Bitmap::LockBits(const Rectangle&, Imaging::ImageLockMode, Imaging::PixelFormat, const Imaging::BitmapDataPtr&) method

Locks a Bitmap into system memory.

Imaging::BitmapDataPtr System::Drawing::Bitmap::LockBits(const Rectangle &rect, Imaging::ImageLockMode flags, Imaging::PixelFormat format, const Imaging::BitmapDataPtr &bitmap_data)
rectconst Rectangle&A rectangle that specifies the region of the image to lock
flagsImaging::ImageLockModeSpecifies the access level to the bitmap
formatImaging::PixelFormatThe data format of this bitmap
bitmap_dataconst Imaging::BitmapDataPtr&Contains information about the lock operation


A shared pointer to a BitmapData object that contains information about the performed lock operation

See Also