System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawCurve method

Graphics::DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, float) method

Draws a spline using the specified pen.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen> &pen, const ArrayPtr<Point> &points, float tension=0.5f)
penconst SharedPtr<Pen>&A pen to use when drawing the spline
pointsconst ArrayPtr<Point>&Array of points that determines the spline
tensionfloatValue that specifies the tension of the spline

See Also

Graphics::DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, int32_t, int32_t, float) method

Draws a spline using the specified pen.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen> &pen, const ArrayPtr<Point> &points, int32_t offset, int32_t numberOfSegments, float tension=0.5f)
penconst SharedPtr<Pen>&A pen to use when drawing the spline
pointsconst ArrayPtr<Point>&Array of points that determines the spline
offsetint32_tOffset from the 1st element in the points array
numberOfSegmentsint32_tNumber of segments to include into the curve
tensionfloatValue that specifies the tension of the spline

See Also

Graphics::DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, float) method

Draws a spline using the specified pen.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen> &pen, const ArrayPtr<PointF> &points, float tension=0.5f)
penconst SharedPtr<Pen>&A pen to use when drawing the spline
pointsconst ArrayPtr<PointF>&Array of points that determines the spline
tensionfloatValue that specifies the tension of the spline

See Also

Graphics::DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, int32_t, int32_t, float) method

Draws a spline using the specified pen.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen> &pen, const ArrayPtr<PointF> &points, int32_t offset, int32_t numberOfSegments, float tension=0.5f)
penconst SharedPtr<Pen>&A pen to use when drawing the spline
pointsconst ArrayPtr<PointF>&Array of points that determines the spline
offsetint32_tOffset from the 1st element in the points array
numberOfSegmentsint32_tNumber of segments to include into the curve
tensionfloatValue that specifies the tension of the spline

See Also