System::Drawing::Graphics::FillRectangle method

Graphics::FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, float, float, float, float) method

Fills the specified rectangle with the specified brush.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush> &brush, float x, float y, float width, float height)
brushconst SharedPtr<Brush>&A Brush object to use for filling
xfloatThe X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle to fill
yfloatThe Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle to fill
widthfloatThe width of the rectangle to fill
heightfloatThe height of the rectangle to fill

See Also

Graphics::FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, int, int, int, int) method

Fills the specified rectangle with the specified brush.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush> &brush, int x, int y, int width, int height)
brushconst SharedPtr<Brush>&A Brush object to use for filling
xintThe X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle to fill
yintThe Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle to fill
widthintThe width of the rectangle to fill
heightintThe height of the rectangle to fill

See Also

Graphics::FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, Rectangle) method

Fills the specified rectangle with the specified brush.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush> &brush, Rectangle rect)
brushconst SharedPtr<Brush>&A Brush object to use for filling
rectRectangleA Rectangle object that specifies the location and size of the rectangle to fill

See Also

Graphics::FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, RectangleF) method

Fills the specified rectangle with the specified brush.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush> &brush, RectangleF rect)
brushconst SharedPtr<Brush>&A Brush object to use for filling
rectRectangleFA RectangleF object that specifies the location and size of the rectangle to fill

See Also